
1, What is kick ass content?

Kickass content is about The 3 S’s




Different content has different purposes.

Your content goes along with the Buyer’s Journey of your ideal client.

  1. How to eliminate the drama & confusion from content creation


This is WAY easier than you think it is.

Reverse engineer the process


Ask yourself…

What do I plan to SELL next?

WHEN do I plan to sell it?
WHO is my ideal customer for this offer?

And then…What do they need to know, understand, or believe in order to want to buy my stuff?

  1. Why content is 10X more powerful than ads


Content is the flower that attracts the bees. The gateway drug into your world that is non-threatening and natural.

It CRUSHES the all important KLT factor in marketing (know, like, and trust). 

They find YOU. A totally different dynamic than you pursuing them.