steps starting a clothing linesteps starting a clothing line
“Nine Steps to Launching a PROFITABLE Fashion Line” 

Wednesday, April 13th at 1 pm Central (Chicago) time

During this FREE online training, you’ll learn:

– 5 questions you MUST ask yourself before you bring a product to market
– How to know where to focus your time and what to skip
– Where it’s OK to spend money and where to save (including a – DO SPEND/DON’T SPEND cheatsheet)
– The ONE vital step most designers completely ignore (and it KILLS their business)
– What Jane would do differently if she was starting over today
– LIVE Q & A at the end of the presentation

Wednesday, April 13th, 2016, at 1:00 pm CST (Chicago), 2:00 pm EST, 11:00 am PST, 6:00 pm BST (London)

After you register, you’ll get an email from brain@fashionbrainacademy with full access details (allow 5 – 30 minutes)

Jane Hamill has been featured in…