Diary of a Fashion Designer: I want YOUR story

Do you have an experience you think other designers can learn from? We want to hear your story! There is so much we can all learn from each other. I share my experiences with you on a weekly basis. And now I want to hear from you! This video explains…

Diary of a Designer: we want YOUR experiences

If you have a specific experience – or event – you want to share and feel others can benefit from hearing, just jot down the notes about what happened and send them to us here: brain@wordpress-284020-2736534.cloudwaysapps.com

Thanks for watching and reading,





One Response

  1. After all the research I did in the first part of my startup process, I missed the care label information. One might think everyone would know that you must by law attach a care label in a certain place, stating specific information and symbols. Not me! I had my t shirts made with no care labels and the manufacturer must have been rolling their eyes at my novice-ness. Although you mention company labels in the NDP, I suggest you cover care labels if you revamp the class. I’ve learned so many other lessons the expensive way. Thanks for all the education I’ve received from you. Now I’m really preparing to launch(round two). Cheers, Janette Hanna-Smart Bird Clothing Co.

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