I’m Feeling Behind in My Business and I Hate It. What Can I Do?

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I was feeling “behind” for 3 straight days this week. Which caused me to NOT make much progress. It really sucked and I felt a low level of anxiety and deep frustration that I couldn’t quite pinpoint.

Then I realized 2 things…

  1. I had set a 30 day goal and was working towards it when I UPPED the goal in the middle of working on it. I changed the rules on myself.
  2. I forgot the golden rule of productivity – there’s a time to THINK and make a plan. And there’s a time to ACT and implement the plan.

Think vs. Act.

These two can’t happen at the same time. If they do, we second-guess  our plan and our decisions. We start to think there’s a “better” plan and our brain spins. Then  we feel behind and nothing gets accomplished.

This episode explains what to do about it so you can achieve extreme productivity.

Not to mention peace of mind – because feeling “behind” feels like crap.

Have a listen…

You can also listen on iTunesSpotify, and Stitcher Radio

Show Notes:

Thanks for listening,




2 Responses

  1. Such a great PodCast! Spoke to exactly my current state of mind on so many levels! Thank you Jane!

    PS: Everyone should take the Build a Following course, it’s incredible and bursting with so much amazing information!

    1. Hi Hannah! I’m really glad this episode resonated with you and I hope you’re not feeling too behind. Also, appreciate the love for the BaF workshop.:)
      – JH

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