
Monday Quickie: The Motivation You Need Today

Being an entrepreneur is no joke. May we all have a crew like this…

Some people inspire us to do the things.

Some people just plan and plan and plan and never get much accomplished.

Most of us go back and forth between these 2 options.

To create the business we REALLY want, we need support. We need a crew. This means friends, a coach, fellow entrepreneurs…

Motivation is like taking a shower. You can’t do it on Thursday and expect it to last until Sunday

We need a simple, do-able plan and the accountability to force ourselves to do the damn thing even when we’re worried it will fail, don’t feel like it doing it, and spin in perfectionism. (Ask me how I know.)

It’s three things really…

  • Create a simple, do-able plan
  • Get accountability to stick to the plan
  • Practice the belief that it can and will eventually work if we fail enough times first

That’s it. Just three things.

And it’s a daily, weekly, sometimes hourly thing to continually focus on these 3 things so you get what you want from your business!

That’s what I do with my clients. I’m part of their crew. I’m like a personal trainer but for your business. 

Sure, you could work out on your own, but will you? Are you? 

If you want support creating a SIMPLE, do-able plan that actually gets accomplished. click here and let’s talk about coaching.





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