The Secret to Failure for a Fashion Company

Rather than giving you advice and strategies to succeed in business, today’s all about things we entrepreneurs do to sabotage our success. Let me just get honest about things I’ve done and things I see every week with the designers I work with in my private coaching practice.

how to succeed with a fashion company

11 surefire ways to make your business go under.

  1. Don’t pick a tight niche in the beginning.
  2. Have only a vague idea about who your customer really is but think you’re really clear on it.
  3. Not believing , at your core, that you will succeed.
  4. Don’t take days out of the year to plan for your business. DAYS, not hours.
  5. Blame other things and other people when things don’t go your way.
  6. Continue to get free advice rather than invest in yourself and your business.
  7. Don’t spend 6 hours a week on marketing yourself and your business.
  8. Don’t listen to the market about what they really want to buy from you and instead just produce what you want.
  9. Don’t follow up with potential buyers because you don’t want to “bug them”.
  10. Think about ideas and think about making a plan and then plan to make a solid plan rather than just starting something and taking action.
  11. Treat your business like a hobby instead of a business.

Which of the above points do you think you could work on now? Today. Start with one positive change you could make to avoid these self-sabotaging mistakes. I’ve made most of them and continue to struggle with some of these “failure” activities, believe me. Don’t beat yourself up – just get moving in the direction of growth and success. And if you need help knowing where to start and staying accountable, let me know!

So what do you think? Do you agree with this article? What point above stands out to you? Leave a comment below or HERE, on Facebook and show me you’re alive and kickin’.

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“Jane Hamill teaches apparel and accessories designers how to start and grow a profitable business – even if they flunked math and hate selling. Get her FREE report “How to Find Fabrics in Small Quantities and NOT Get Ripped Off in the Process” at”


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