TONIGHT! Red Wine Wednesday – free online presentation about how I lost half my business in one day

I’ve been thinking about you – the designer who has a “good” business but wants to have a GREAT one.

About how you can build the business that measures up to your dream, supports you the way you want, and brings you the satisfaction you crave. And it begs the question – why don’t you have these things already?

One reason is that when you hit an obstacle, you get stuck, and cannot move past it – at least not quickly enough and without losing your mojo.

So I decided to go a little deep with this online presentation and tell about the day I lost half my business IN ONE DAY. Yep. It’s not something I talk about a lot – because it sucked. 

But I think it will help you understand HOW to move past difficulties. And help you with:

  • Knowing what to do NEXT and what work is important
  • How to get un-stuck, even when you feel overwhelmed
  • Ways to go from a “nice” buisness to a GREAT one that pays you well
  • How to stay motivated and LOVE going to work

Can you relate? On Wednesday, November 6th, at 8 pm EST I’m going to get a little personal. I’ll share with you how I was able to get around a major business catastrophe and come out of it with a business stronger than ever.

I’ll give you real-life examples of how I went from struggling and frustrated to getting what I want from my business.  And I’ll share the difference it has made in my life. To be honest, I’m a little nervous to put this out there but I’m holding my breath and sharing it anyway (out of the comfort zone, right??)

What: free Online Training– “How I lost HALF my business in one day and what I did to save it”
When:  Wednesday, November 6th, 8 pm Eastern (5 pm PST, 7 pm CST)
Where: Online and on the Phone


“See” you there! –Jane



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