Yesterday was GREAT day – my workshop at Creative Chicago Expo

Expo 2011 - Jane Hamill with Lisa Canning of IAE

All I can really say is WOW.
And thanks.
I mean, really, I did not expect such a huge, responsive, delightful audience for my workshop.

And what I got was an experience that ROCKED – a day I won’t soon forget. I definitely got lucky with a great topic to present – thanks to Julie Burros of the City of Chicago – “What to Charge? How to Price Your Work”.  Who doesn’t need help in that area?  But I didn’t expect so many people to show up (well over 100 – SRO) and for the crowd to be so supportive, appreciative, and fun.  And I certainly didn’t expect everyone to be so NICE.  A bunch of artists and creatives in a room and no snobbery?  The world really is upside down.

The Expo was held at the Chicago Cultural Center on Washington and Michigan.  It’s SUCH a gorgeous landmark building – and there were over 4,000 people in attandence.  Crazy.

Not all 4,000 were at my workshop but there were more than I expected and I ran out of handouts.  As promised, below are the notes from the workshop.  I know it won’t make a lot of sense to people who weren’t at the presentation, but I’m posting it here because:

1) I said I would.

2) I don’t know where else to post stuff like this.

Oh yeah, here’s some written feedback on yesterday’s presention.  1) “Awesome presentation = valuable info presented in an engaging manner”, 2) “Fun”, 3) “I felt you could have focused more on fashion”, 4) “Informative, funny, and not the answers I was expecting”, 5) “The opening line in your handout is critical and not mentioned enough in general”, 6) “I would have liked to hear more about editing”, 7) “Great! Great sense of humor makes a world of difference. Engaging.”

So thanks again, I learned a lot and had a blast!  If you have a group and need a speaker, give me a call. -Jane

What to Charge? How to Price Your Work – Creative Chicago Expo, March 12, 2011

What you’re worth does not equal what you charge for your work – it just feels like that sometimes.

Confusion is normal

A Simple 5 Step System

  1. Homework – stay within the market
  2. Always talk Retail
  3. Size matters
  4. Be consistent
  5. Wiggle room

Negotiating Price

$ vs. %

Secrets of a Gallery Owner

  • My stuff
  • Round numbers?
  • Limited edition
  • Brand new at this?
  • Size  – what’s too big?
  • Red

Pricing a “commodity”

  • Jane’s formula – not everyone agrees with it but I KNOW it works for most entrepreneurs

“Between the ears” issues

  • What’s holding you back?
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of success
  • Who’s the most CERTAIN
  • Building confidence

Do you hear voices?  Can you shut them up already, please?

Benefits vs. Features

The Wrap Up

Research Cheat Sheet

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
Artist Name Me!
Price Range

Who is Jane Hamill?

A note from Jane:

I was 25 when I designed my first Jane Hamill line and opened my shop.  There was a lot I didn’t know about running a business, I mean a lot, like buckets.  I learned the hard way – through trial and error, long hours, dedication, and a little luck.  I would like to save other creative entrepreneurs some trouble.

Making a living off of your  creativity is awesome and tricky at the same time.  I did it for over 14 years and I know what it’s like to be a businessperson and a creative person in one.  I sold my business in 2007 – 2 kids and 14 years later – and have been consulting ever since.

Currently, I work with creatives and fashion entrepreneurs on the BUSINESS side of things.  Things like how to market your work and get it in front of the right people, selling your work, costing and pricing, how to get it all done, and how to make sure it pays your bills!

I work with clients one-on-one, in groups, through online trainings and webinars, and at live Workshops and events.

For consulting packages, rates and scheduling:

Thanks for coming today and thanks for having me, Expo!  I love this town,




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