
4 Buyer Persona Mistakes You Might Be Making

The basis of all business is customers. When you first started your product-based business, you may have thought you’d just be happy with “anyone with money” as a customer.

But pretty quickly we realize that some types of customers are a real pain in the arse to deal with and some are a a blast.

When I see product entrepreneurs struggling, it’s often it because they haven’t niched down enough and they haven’t had the courage to truly choose an IDEAL Buyer Persona.

The truth is, when you go after EVERYONE, you are attracting NO-ONE. And you actually get to choose who you want to sell to. 

Getting crystal clear on the IDEAL people for you can have a real impact on your sales.

Going after everyone has a real impact too – in a damaging way.

“If there’s one thing I know, it’s a heck of a lot harder to build a profitable business when you have not clearly chosen who it is that you really want to sell to.” -Jane Hamill

Listen in as we break down the 4 Buyer Persona mistakes you could be making without even knowing it.

You can also listen on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Soundcloud

What we talk about:

  • Attracting the right customer while repelling others (on purpose)
  • Human or imaginary – not all Ideal Customer Personas are created equal
  • The stories that hold us back in making sales (amd mine is a doozy)
  • What happens when you only go after customers who seem like easy wins for your business

When you get clearer on what it is that you sell, to whom, and why, everything becomes easier.

You will then a customer who stands up and notices who you are, why you exist and they want to give you money. And when the customer understands this is for perfect me, they come running — and this makes your life is easier and so much more rewarding, right?!


I have a gift for you!

I have a value-packed 12-minute mini-class where we go into choosing Your Ideal Customer and answering the question… What You Really Sell and Who is it For? 

Don’t build your business on a rocky foundation – go grab it now! It’s FREE.

Mentioned in this episode

If you’re looking for a community that keeps you accountable, helps you generate ideas, inspires you to act, AND teaches you explosive sales strategies… Join The Club.

And now it’s your turn

What’s the BIGGEST takeaway from this episode? What Buyer Persona mistake are you making that you can fix immediately?

LMK in the comments below.

And remember…Perfect is good but DONE is better! 

xo -Jane



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