Podcast #6: My 3 Biggest Mistakes as a Fashion Designer

My 3 Biggest Mistakes as a Fashion Designer 2

Click here to listen to the podcast >>

I don’t think I can even count as high as the number of mistakes I made with my clothing line and retail store. I mean, I was GREEN when I started! Trial and error was just a way of life for me back then and it really cost me — in terms of time, money, and energy.

I have to admit that it was pretty tough to come up with the top 3 mistakes (so many to choose from, ya know?) but here they are…

  • Fudging my cost sheets so I didn’t have to see the real numbers
  • Being a wuss about my pricing because I didn’t have the confidence I needed
  • Working like a dog without planning so I often worked on the wrong projects

Can you relate?

I hope this little confession helps you! I’d love to see you learn from my experience and use it to make your business stronger and, well, less hard.

podcast for clothing and accessories designers
Click to hear my 3 biggest mistakes >>>


Now I KNOW you’ve made some mistakes, right? Can you share with me in the comments below a specific example of what happened and what you’ll do differently next time? Just scroll down to the comments section, OK?

As always, thanks for reading and listening!


P.S. My New Designer Program is a mistake-bashing dream come true for startups! I recommend it if you want to learn the steps involved in launching a fashion business. Find it here: http://bit.ly/1g7ZfgG

P.S. I’ll be putting the Podcast on iTunes in a few more weeks. To download the podcast to your phone or mobile device, go to the podcast here. Then follow these instructions:

1. Right click on the recordings link (to right click on a mac, hold down the “Control” key while you click the link).
2. Select “Save link as”, “Download linked file as”, or “Save Target as”, depending on your web browser.
Chrome Users: Left click on the link, then press Control S (Command S on mac) to download the audio.



3 Responses

  1. Hi Jane,
    I m very glad to know about FBA
    I strongly want to be a designer, but don’t know how to start?
    I want to work on dress desiner and saree designer , pls advised me
    How to put my ideas in the huge market?
    I m not at all experienced !
    Just designed 10 sarees !
    Wht should I do first?

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