Jane Hamill Featured in Entrepreneur Magazine

entrepreneur-magazine-april-2013 Jane Hamill article

Start It Up
“Dress Success: A veteran clothing designer gives custom advice to fashion ‘treps”

Entrepreneur Magazine, April issue, 2013

I am thrilled and honored to be in the April issue of Entrepreneur Magazine!!

A few weeks ago, I did a tele-Seminar where I shared some of the struggles I’ve had over the years with my business(es). I explained how I would “get in my own way” and make it harder to achieve the success I really wanted. It was scary for me to share the truth about how difficult things were at times.

I figure there were many of you who appreciated and got something from my honesty about business difficulties in the past so you may want to celebrate great news too! So today’s not about struggle, it’s about celebrating!

I am so excited to be featured in the April issue of Entrepreneur Magazine!!

page 84 - Entrepreneur magazine April issue
page 84 – Entrepreneur magazine April issue. Photo from Jane’s client’s line, www.meredithbanzhoff.com

The article tells a bit about my background and how I came to be giving advice to emerging designers and helping them with the business side of things. There’s a also a great pic from the Fall line of my terrific client, Meredith Banzhoff.

“We work on constant marketing, on establishing a relationship that doesn’t revolve around “please buy my product”. We talk about engaging the customers, creating a sense of community, even a little voyeurism – say, posting a video of the process behind you made that shirt”  -Jane Hamill, Entrepreneur Magazine

I guess I just want you to know that there are ups and down in business for all of us. And, well, sometimes dreams really do come true. I know that sounds corny but being in Entrepreneur Magazine is a big deal for me! I don’t know if I ever really believed it would happen.

Do you ever feel that way?



4 Responses

  1. Way to go Jane!!!!! I’m proud of you and glad to know you. I use to get Entrepreneur Magazine all the time. Maybe I’ll start back. I must be missing a lot. Have a wonderful weekend.


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