Starting a clothing line? Watch Joanne’s genius strategies to stay organized and acquire customers
I was in San Francisco doing a Seminar recently and met Joanne Jarrett – doctor turned SAHM turned fashion designer. She’s in the process of launching her line of cozy clothes and she’s killin’ it with her organization. She’s my freakin’ TIDY hero and you can steal her tricks in today’s video.
The other brilliant thing Joanne is doing is building a following for her product BEFORE she even has anything to sell. Whaaaaa?
Here’s what she’s doing…
She’s blogging and telling her story. She’s speaking to the people who could and will buy her line of “cozy clothes” when it’s ready to sell. This article, 13 Things Good Doctors Wish Their Patients Knew, has 11,000 views and 23 comments.
Eleven thousand views.
Joanne’s a former doctor so an article like this is easy for her to write. It doesn’t matter that the topic isn’t related to her clothing line. How many of these 11,000 blog views do you think came from “real” woman who like the idea of cozy clothes? Plenty – and Joanne will have them lining up ready to buy the minute she launches.

Let’s look at the numbers. If only 1% of her blog viewers take a look at her product when she launches, that’s 110 people. Then let’s guess that a third of them make a purchase (a high estimate, I know, but these are her early adopters and highly committed), then she just sold 33 units the first day. Bam. And that’s just the ONE article. And that’s assuming they only buy ONE piece from her line.
See how this could go for Joanne? More people engaged in her content equals more prospects for her product. The content she produces is the bread crumb trail to her blog, which leads them to her email list, which leads them to the BUY NOW button when her product is ready.
Joanne’s doing it. She’s even enjoying writing her blog.
The questions is…are you? How are you planning to find customers?
LMK in the comments below. I’d LOVE to know what you’re up to.
2 Responses
So cool! Organization is key! It’s so inspiring to see Joanne’s Binder Setup and to hear about her success with Jane’s program.
Hey Jane,
I listened to this podcast while driving. Joanne is lovely and inspiring! Is there a link to see her Binder Setup?