Jane Hamill’s Fashion Business Podcast Now Available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio!

Jane Hamill’s Fashion Business Podcast is Now Available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio

Breaking news and I’m so excited!!

I’m kind of freaking out and the #TruthBomb is that I’m nervous to actually put a real-live podcast on iTunes. I’ve worked really hard on the podcast but because I was scared to death for some crazy reason I couldn’t pull the trigger to put it out into the world in such a big way.

I finally did it. 

Fear. Conquered.

And now I’m SUPER excited and want you to listen to it. And because I’m feeling confident today, I gotta tell you, it’s worth your time.

So today I challenge you to BE CONFIDENT and TAKE A RISK – and listen to my podcast while you’re at it!

Find it here on iTunes and here on Stitcher Radio.

If you’re using the iTunes app, search “podcast Jane Hamill” and it comes up. You can subscribe and leave a review (an honest review, please!).

Your confidence boost,


P.S. Will you please do me a favor? Leave an honest review of the Podcast when you go listen to it. There’s an iTunes and Stitcher review section!



4 Responses

  1. hip hip hooray! My years of begging you to put it on iTunes finally paid off! Thank you, thank you!
    I can’t find it yet on iTunes, but I’m sure it will show up on a search soon!

    1. Ha! Elaine, you were on my list to contact directly this morning!! Thanks a ton for your patience.

    1. You’re using the iTunes app, correct? I found it by typing in the search bar, “podcast Jane Hamill”. The official name of the podcast is Jane Hamill Podcast (very original, I know). It doesn’t come up when I search Fashion Brain. – JH

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