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5 Day Mini Course About Selling Your Line – it’s free!

Spend a few minutes a day with me to learn how to
SELL MORE without feeling “sales-y.”

Sign up and start the Five Day FREE Mini Course to Help You Sell Your Line!

In addition to the FREE report, you’ll receive free weekly tips and trainings for designers.
We will never share, rent, or sell your information.

What You’ll Learn in this 5 Day Course:

DAY 1: What a retailer secretly wishes you knew, the #1 myth about running a fashion business, and “Your Creative Idea” PDF download

DAY 2: Downloadable Checklist: “Before You Can Sell Your Line” + what happens when you’re unprepared for the fashion industry (Jane’s story.

DAY 3: The ONE thing your need to be successful + the “5 Biggest Mistakes Designers Make” video.

DAY 4: The two kinds of entrepreneurs + the only 2 things retail buyers really want to know about your line. HINT: Don’t bother them with what they don’t care about.

DAY 5: 7 Different Ways You Can Sell Your Line.

**As soon as you sign up, please watch your inbox for Lesson #1 and add brain@wordpress-284020-2736534.cloudwaysapps.com to your list of “safe senders” so you don’t miss any lessons.