(Interview) Getting Consistent Sales with San Francisco Fashion Designer Sarah Liller

(Interview) Getting Consistent Sales with San Francisco Fashion Designer Sarah Liller – podcast + video

Sarah Liller - Fashion designer in San Francisco

Today you’re going to meet San Francisco clothing designer, Sarah Liller. What I love about Sarah is that she’s SO HONEST and willing to share her struggles, her wins, and the behind-the-scenes reality of running a fashion business. Sarah is one of my “Sell More Products Online” students and someone who takes ACTION on what she learns.

In this interview, Sarah breaks down the exact steps she took in the last 9 months to make her online shop actually convert to money in the bank.

Sarah always had confidence in her product and she knew it sold well in retail stores. But getting online sales was proving to be a big challenge for her.

SO… she started doing things differently in her business. She switched from Squarespace to Shopify (huge win), she did an “expensive” NYC Trade Show, she got a rep, opened new wholesale accounts (and is getting re-orders) and she went from “I have no idea who my customer is and no idea what I’m doing online” to “it’s working!” and getting consistent sales.

And she’s just so darn transparent about things! In fact, here are some awesome quotes from this interview…

“I had to pick somebody to sell to, because when you’re trying to sell to everyone, you’ll go crazy. There’s just no way to do that without going crazy, logistically.” 

I knew that I had no idea what the hell I was doing (when it came to selling online). I knew enough to know that I didn’t know what I was doing.”

“The wholesale business, while I don’t make as much per unit, it drives the online business and they push each other in tandem.”

“Within the last 9 months my site is getting 1 – 2 sales a week, I’m selling to new stores in NYC and I’m getting re-orders, and I now have a national showroom repping my line.”

I was really scared to put myself out there and of the rejection, and people saying no…”

You can watch this interview as a video or listen to it as a podcast…


Listen to this episode as a podcast on iTunes or Stitcher Radio.


Sarah’s best-seller! The jumpsuit she’s wearing in the episode…

PenelopeJumpsuitNavy (1)


The easy fit, soft & cozy dress that does NOT fit like a tent…

How to get consistent sales as a fashion designer


Show Notes and Links:

Your Feedback??

What do you think of this interview? LMK in the comments below and please SHARE IT with other designers if you think it will help them!




4 Responses

    1. Canva rocks. The other tool I use for creating graphics is Word Swag. It’s an app for your phone and it’s fantastic.

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