What Does a Successful Emerging Design Business Look Like?

JH screen sot You want to sell a lot. You want success. You want a nice business that doesn’t kill you with stress and overwhelm. But what does success really look like if you’re an emerging clothing or accessories designer? Is it about the dollar volume of sales? The lifestyle you create for yourself? Of course, for everyone out there, success can mean something different. Watch to learn how Jane answers this question from a designer, “What do you consider a successful emerging designer in terms of what dollar volume? Also, dos “Made in America” really matter?” Remember, it’s not always about how much you sell. Sales volume alone does not tell the whole story. How much is left over for you – the profit – is important as are lifestyle and hours worked. So tell me, is there a time in your life when you felt you were successful? What did it look like and mean to YOU? I’d love to hear your story in the comments below! Thanks for reading (and watching)! Jane  



2 Responses

  1. I totally agree with you, Jane, I think success is all relative. For now, success to me is making enough to run my business full-time without having to have a part-time job as well. In the future though, success will be having that extra money to paint my house and have lunch out! Success changes over time with new goals we set ourselves.

    1. Hi Kate,
      Thanks for your comment. I agree that supporting yourself with your business w/o a 2nd job is HUGE! Congratulations for that!

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