What do I do first? (not just for newbies)

Lately I’ve received a number of emails asking me a different version of the same thing.  I thought I’d reach out to you, just in case you had the same question.

The “first step” is a common theme that I hear from entrepreneurs.  And I hear it from people in all different stages of business – from start-ups to 10 year business owners it doesn’t seem to matter.  For some it’s “what’s the first step to designing a line from scratch?  Others want the first step towards profitability, better marketing, life-balance, selling more product, approaching a retailer, reducing costs, editing the line – and the list goes on…

While every business has different needs, there’s one thing all of them have in common that will lead to success with their business.

Before I share it with you, consider this scenario…

Let’s say you want to go on vacation.  You haven’t been on vacation in 2 years and it’s starting to get to you.  What goes through your mind first?  Is it when you will leave?  Is it how much it’s going to cost?  Or is it where you’ll go?

For most people the WHERE is the first thing you decide and the part that gets you most excited.

The thought of 80 degree weather, sunshine, and the deep blue sea can definitely bring a smile to your pasty winter face.  Well, mine’s pasty anyway.

Just like you consider the destination for your vacation, you need to consider it for your business. You wouldn’t just start calling up different airlines for prices without knowing where you were headed.  That’s a complete waste of time.

So why is it we start working feverishly on our business without a destination in mind?  I’ve done it myself more than once.

So answer these questions.

1)      What is the goal for your business?

2)      What’s the ultimate vision you have in mind?

Is it to make as much money as possible no matter what?  Is it to enjoy a creative outlet? To have a biz that fits with your life and your values?  Is it to create something that is satisfying but allows you to pick up your kids at 3:00 every day?  Is it to avoid getting a “real job” with a real boss?

Deciding your goals first will enable you to have more clarity to lay the groundwork for a successful venture. 

SUCCESS being how YOU define it – depending on your goals, of course.

Here’s what you can do now:

  1. Take a look at your goals and pick one that you want to achieve in the next 90 days.  Make it a short-term, attainable goal, bit a bit of a stretch for you.
  2. List what could you do right now, today, to start working toward this goal.

Now go here and post what your first step will be. http://on.fb.me/fdZMUA

That’s right, when you share your first step with the “universe” you have a much better chance of actually doing it. (I speak from experience).

I just posted mine!  It was a little scary to share it but I feel great now. 

Check it out: http://on.fb.me/fdZMUA


P.S.  C’mon, do it, post yours!  I triple dog dare you.  http://on.fb.me/fdZMUA





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