Podcast #16: 5 Big Myths About Starting Your Own Clothing or Accessories Line

Starting Your Own Clothing Line


In this episode of the Fashion Brain podcast, I talk about the most common myths about launching a line of apparel or accessories. A lot of us have been Project runway-ized and think starting a business will be different than it really is.

podcast for clothing and accessories designers

 Click here to listen to the Podcast: 5 Big Myths >>>


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In this episode, we’ll cover:

  • Why money’s not the only factor in success,
  • Why total devotion to product development will kill ya
  • Why your job title is so much more than Fashion Designer
  • Get known for something that’s uniquely you
  • The truth about outsourcing tasks you don’t like
  • Why the size of your collection makes a difference

Now it’s your turn…

Was this podcast helpful to you? If it was, click the LIKE button and share it with your friends. And tell me this…  Which of these myths did you believe BEFORE you got started? Can you give me an example of something you thought would be true about your business but turned out to be complete bunk? Let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear your story.

As always, thanks for reading and listening!




26 Responses

  1. I totally thought I had to make a 12 piece collection with dresses and pants and tops and skirts for my first season. I also thought that people would find me faster than they did. I thought “but I have a cool website. I have a nice Facebook Page!” But almost 5 years later, tons of consistent marketing and smaller more focussed collections… things are going great!

  2. Thanks Jane!

    I really needed to hear this at this time. I haven’t completed my product that I would like to design but I was working on one aspect of it while I was listening to your podcast. The money myth has always been lurking in the back of my brain therefore I was in limbo about whether I should continue this project. However, after hearing from you I am encouraged to move forward with my ideas.

    Thanks and keep the info coming!

    1. Hi Dorothy! Thanks for you comment. I am excited for you as you move forward. Depending on your money situation, you can tweak your business model accordingly.

  3. The myth you busted for me: “Starting your own line: I need to have a large collection so I make a big splash and folks really take me seriously.” I am developing a product line and keep adding to it. I need to scale back down to just a few things, like the personalized wood plaques, coasters, videos and t-shirts that we make, instead of making product samples of so many other things that we could be doing. You always give sound advice, because you’ve been there, done that. Your guidance is applicable to other small businesses, not just fashion. Thank you.

    1. Hi Michaelle! great to hear from you. It’s hard to say no to new ideas and new products but ya gotta be strong. Get really good at these first offerings before you add on. Wishing you the best success. Jane

  4. Hmmm. Thanks Jane. All the way from Nigeria, West Africa, you busted myth 3 for me. I design and produce ready to wear kiddies clothes for kids @eslikiddiesandmore.com, twice I had tried to please the mkt and got burnt. I am sticking to my niche and it’s getting better. I am currently working on myth 5 because I had to face it. It’s always refreshing listening to you. So authentic. Thanks to you and your team.

    1. Good for you, Stella! It’s one thing to know you should work on something and another to actually DO IT! Good luck with busting myth #5.

  5. This was great! I used to believe that you had to have a lot of money to start a fashion line. Now I am confident that my day job salary can help fund most of my efforts.

    Thanks again Jane!

  6. I love listening to your podcasts Jane – easy listening and well explained! I’m so thankful I discovered your website earlier this year as prior to that I was struggling to find a website that suited me as a small business owner and fashion designer. I just wanted to say thank you, so much of what you have put on your blog inspires me and helps me keep at it! For me, the biggest myth is needing to have a large line – I still struggle to reign all my ideas in and to put some in the keep it for later box. I think that might be a little bit of over excitement and creativity however as opposed to me feeling a need to make a splash 🙂 thanks again, can’t wait for more!

  7. Thanks Jane for a totally awesome podcast. Love your honesty, myth number 2 gave me a reality check. What’s wonderful is being able to do something about it. The comments from other designers is equally inspiring.

    1. Coral, I agree that the comments from the other designers are THE BEST PART of this whole thing. Thanks a tn for joining the conversation! -Jane

  8. Dear Jane,

    Thank you for busting these 5 myths. I am in the middle of starting a small clothing line. I realize I need to focus more on the marketing aspect of it. So, important as you said “I’m a marketing person & a designing person”. I have taken your words of wisdom to heart. Thank you again:)

    1. Go Clementina! I know it’s hard to make time for the marketing. I also know that if we don’t do it, we have no business at all. -Jane

  9. I was glad to be reminded of all of this. The myth I believed for awhile was that I could figure it all out by myself. I finally discover you and have been getting my education from the professionals ever since. Thanks Jane!

  10. Janette, I think I believed the same thing! In this age of Google, it’s a bit of a shock when we can’t find the exact info we need at the exact time we need it. Unfortunately, this biz isn’t something you can just Google up!

  11. Thanks Jane for the pod cast, The point that really made me sit up and think was to start marketing my range of clothes even before I have anything to show. I have been reluctant to even talk about what I am doing – let alone actively promote it, so I am I going to rethink this and look at pre promotion.
    It was also reassuring that I can do this with limited funds – it gives me the courage to keep going – so thank you for that!

    Really appreciate the effort you put into these pod casts – they are a beacon to my little solo effort boat out here independent start up companies seas!


  12. Hi Jane,

    There is one myth that you did not mention and it was something that I used to talk myself out of my dream years ago, sad to say. That myth was that I had to be some ultra fashionable and sophisticated designer in order to be a designer. Also that I had to be a starving artist in order to pursue my dream as a designer. So now I am starting over at the worst time possible for me (about to be divorced, 2 small children, no training, barely getting by and in school). But this time I have the confidence and wisdom to never give it up. I don’t care if I only sell one dress (of course I hope to sell more!) I want to be able to look back on my life later and say I did that, I tried that, that was me! I am sooooo happy I found your site, and even happier you are also in Chicago!!! I WILL be seeing you soon!

    1. Hi Helena,
      You are absolutely right about the 2 myths you mentioned! The “starving artist” one is tough to crack for many creatives. Thanks for your comment and I hope to meet you someday soon! There’s a new textile event coming to Chicago October 20 – 22. I will be a speaker at the show and you can check it out here: http://www.chicagotextileexpo.com/.

  13. Thank you for the motivation Jane! It encourages me to continue my dream, to make ordinary dresses but an awesome one! Yes, You are absolutely right that you don’t need to have so much money to put up a business in the world of fashion.Thank you again.

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