#AskJanesBrain Episode #4: Where Can I Find an Apparel Manufacturer?

what do I need to bring to a sewing contractor for an apparel product

Today’s #AskJanesBrain question comes from a designer in the Atlanta area who wants me to recommend a good manufacturer for his fashion line. The thing Tommy doesn’t realize (and yes, I lay into him about it) is that he’s asking a magical question and looking for a “magical answer”.

You see, he doesn’t even tell me what product he’s making, what pricepoint, what kind of quantities he’ll need, the lead time, etc.  It’s sort of like asking me, “Hey Jane, where should I buy a house?”

I have no flippin’ clue. Bet there’s something I CAN do to help…

In the video, I give him a FANTASTIC resource for finding sewing contractors and sample makers. I also explain to hime what he’ll need to have in place before he visits an apparel factory. (QUICK PLUG: If you need to learn how to work with a sewing contractor and where to find one, check out my brand new online workshop about manufacturing).

Q: “Hey Jane,

I need a manufacturer for my product. Where can I find a good one? I’m in the Atlanta area.


A: Tommy, Your question kinda sucks, and here’s why…

Watch the video to learn why this isn’t a good questions and the ONE place to start looking for an apparel manufacturer.

HEY DESIGNERS! I want to know more about YOU and YOUR business. Below in the comments write WHAT you do and WHAT stage you’re in with your product. Use this format:
1. I do:
2. My stage of business is:
3: I’m located in:

I can’t wait to read your answers! As always, thanks for reading and watching!


P.S. BRAND NEW online training coming up!! “How to Work With a Sewing Contractor” online LIVE three hour training is happening September 25th, 2015. You’ll learn what a contractor expects from you, what questions you MUST ask them, where to find a good one (I have an entire sheatsheet for this), and how to get price quotes from an apparel manufacturer.

You’ll get the COMPLETE recording of the Workshop and all the downloadable cheatsheets and scripts if you can’t make it LIVE so no worries!

Click here to register for the manufacturing workshop now:



3 Responses

  1. ask jane, hi jane, my question is how do you find small fashion company looking for apparel sketcher or fashion designer, where do i start looking if i don’t have a fashion degree?

  2. Hi Jane, Glad to see you are doing a weekly Q & A – I’m sure it will be great for designers looking to further their knowlegde.

    1. I do: Bridal, Evening & Prom Dresses and Girls Clothing plus teach fashion design and sewing classes.

    2. My stage of business is: as an experienced Designer, Pattern/Sample Maker who has worked with local seamstresses, not manufactures. I’ve taken a break to teach, but I’m considering doing a new collection and thinking about how I’d like to go about it this time.

    3: I’m located in: Upstate New York, 2 hours from Saracuse which I just heard has a fashion week. NYC is about 6 hours, so a little far right now with a toddler.

    Looking forward to next weeks episode.

  3. Hi Jane!! I just discovered you on YouTube and I’m so glad I did! Here’s a little info about me:

    I do: Girls clothing-for now but I want to branch out into prom dresses, bridal gowns; etc.

    My stage of business is: A beginner sewer who wishes to expand her sewing skills and learn as much about the clothing industry as I can; I eventually want my own clothing line some day.

    I’m loacted:Alabama

    I do have one question for you Jane, Is it okay to sell something I made that was created from a pattern someone else designed (not commercial)?


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