How to Boost Conversions by Featuring One Product at Time (Steal This #7)

How to Boost Conversions by Featuring One Product at Time (Steal This #7)

Today’s STEAL THIS video is about the power of featuring ONE product at a time and what it can do to boost sales on your website. Over the years, I’ve worked with hundreds, probably thousands, of clothing and accessories designers, artists, handmade sellers and product makers. And, of course, I include myself in this group.

What I’ve realized is that artists starve because they don’t know how to sell. I think I heard Gary Vee say that recently and it’s so true. Or maybe it’s that artists just don’t want to sell, or feel they can’t. Or feel they shouldn’t have to. That it’s somehow beneath them and they “should” be able to make it only about the creative process and not about making a living.

I want you to make a living with your creativity!

So what I want you to do now is watch the video, see the example about featuring ONE product, and then ask yourself…

“How can I use this for MY business? How creative can I get to try something different with my marketing?”

So did it work? Did the video inspire you to try something new and feature ONE product next time? Do me a favor and let me know what you think of today’s video by leaving a comment below – good or bad. Thumbs up or thumbs down?

If you have a question about how to use this info for YOUR business, leave it below and I’ll answer it, OK?

As always, thanks for watching (and reading).




23 Responses

  1. Thanks ! I am the owner of and just started listening to you. You are amazing. Will totally change my home page which usually features new arrivals !! Now I will do one product !!

  2. Ok – will give it a try, “nothing venture nothing gained” as they say – thank you so much for your inspiring talks.

  3. Hi Jane,

    Thank you for this video – great idea! I just started to do this on a monthly basis by featuring one color/product a month as a beauty blog. The product that month is sold for a special price. I put it on my home page but did not feature it the way you are suggesting. I’m thinking that if I make a special landing page for it that might work rather than changing my home page. I will work on this this weekend.

    1. Yes!! Try that and let me know what happens. Also, a month is a LONG time for a special. Is it working for you that way? Or do you feel like people “forget” about the special deal because they have a lot of time to get it? Would love to know what’s working for you. -Jane

  4. yes. i agree. keeping it simple to promote.
    like if you want to use fc bk to advertise, I usually see one product and sometimes with a discount offer deadline is usually used, they want ppl to act and buy then

  5. I think the video and the concept is very helpful, especially the tip that emails/etc. that highlight one product convert much better than promoting a collection. I think there are lots of relatively simple ways to implement this tip.

  6. Yes JANE, it’s better to do one product! We had a 3 day fiesta festival.
    We sold egg rolls. 3 pcs for $2.80. and sold out!

  7. So, I a) heard your podcast and loved it, and then b) signed up for your emails, which c) directed me to this video! All your content is so helpful, thanks so much for putting it out there!

    Love this idea for totally dedicating the face of our site (if temporarily) to a single, specific product. Our leggings site isn’t live yet, but I am writing this down under sales-boosting ideas!

  8. Love you, Jane. Excellent tips, especially the Instagram/selfie one. It’ll will work perfectly with one of our products!

  9. Thanks for the video! I am seriously going to try this later tonight. I feel like my website definitely has too much going on. I’m basically pointing to like 5 products at once. I’ll let you know if it boosts my sales.

  10. Great idea. It will also be a good idea to keep in mind for next photo shoot. Create a campaign around one product shown id lots of situations! See you in SF

  11. Jane, I love you and your strategy piracy. 😉 I just started selling my new line at local events, but I have been filling up my instagram account to keep people interested and attract fans before I even get e-commerce set up. I didn’t sell a *single* thing at my first 2 events, but I had a person in _Australia_ message me to buy a top I featured on IG – no pricing, no “message me to buy this”, nothing, my caption was just a mention of an upcoming event! When your people find you, they will love you, and they will buy that one special product you feature that speaks to them. Definitely trying this again, with real e-comm, lol.

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