Customer Service That Doesn’t Suck: 2 Great Ideas to Make Customers Love You (Steal This Idea #3)

Customer Service That Doesn’t Suck (Steal This Idea #3) 

customer ideas for online businesses

Recently I started a new series on my blog, called STEAL THIS IDEA. The point is to share with you FANTASTIC marketing and sales ideas you can “steal” and tweak to use in your own creative business.

I’m not suggesting you actually STEAL the specific strategies in the videos, but what I want you to do is watch the videos, see the examples, and then ask yourself…

“How can I use this for MY business? How creative can I get to try something different with my marketing?”

Today’s video gives you 2 real-life examples of customer service that WORKS. Both of the companies I feature in the video have added their own personality to their email responses after I contacted them with an issue. 

Watch it now.


The first example of email awesome-ness in the video is Crowdrise. The 2nd company – HUGE personality being shown here – is SamCart.

Your assignment: Did you like the video? Yes or no? What’s the ONE thing you could use form this video to tweak and make it your own to improve your customer service? eave it on the comments below – I read every one!

As always, thanks for reading and watching, 







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