DG Expo Fabric and Trim Show

findng fabrics wholesale for your clothing lineAre you coming to New York this week?

The DG Expo is a wholesale Trade Show for fabrics and trims. All the vendors at the show offer low minimum order quantities so it’s a great show for small fashion lines and startups.

Seminars start Monday, August 3rd, and the Show runs on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 4th and 5th.

I will be there WEDNESDAY ONLY. I was planning on attending and doing Seminars all 3 days but have a “kid issue” and need to make this last minute change.

But no worries, I have hand-picked 3 awesome speakers to take my place for my Monday and Tuesday Seminars. Plus, there are many other speakers at the event with great experience and advice. Not to mention the fabrics and trim show…

For the complete list of Seminars and Vendors, click here.

Below is a list of the Seminars assigned to me (plus info on my replacements) and the ones I will be presenting on Wednesday.

NOTE the show is NOT open on Monday, seminars only!

Monday, August 3

11:00AM – 12:00 Noon  
12 Vital Resources for Entrepreneurs
New Presenter: Melissa Hall. The Emerging Designer 
Jane will share some of her favorite, affordable (or Free) resources to help you run a successful fashion business. This is a non-techy presentation with practical and timely advice, tips. You’ll get tips and find out about wonderful resouces available that will help you to manage and run your business better, sell more, and help cut down on the stress. Seminar Fee $15.

2:15PM – 3:15PM Monday 
The 7 Point Checklist to Launching a Product
New Presenter: Boaz David, HumanB
Launching a new product can be daunting and a step-by-step checklist will help you make the process smoother. We’ll cover the one vital step most entrepreneurs completely ignore, where to spend money and where to skimp, the simple 3 question quiz you should take before you bring any product to market, and more. Jane will also tell you exactly what she would do differently if she were starting over again today. This is a great time for starts ups to come and ask questions and get ready to start sourcing on Tuesday at dg expo. Seminar Fee $15

TUESDAY, August 4

9:30AM – 10:15AM
How To Find A Sales Rep
New Presenter: Maria Pesin, Vibe Consulting
If you want to grow your business, there comes a time when you simply cannot get it all done and you need sales help. We’ll cover the difference between showrooms and road reps, what percentage you need to pay reps, where to find a good rep, how to know if you’re ready for a rep, what the sales rep will expect of you, what other expenses are involved in hiring a rep. Seminar Fee $15.


8:30AM – 9:15AM
Blogging for Business
Presented by: Jane Hamill (bio) / Fashion Brain Academy
This presentation will teach you how to use your bog to make more money and get new customers. The #1 way to attract new customers is to use a simple content marketing strategy and that’s what your blog does. Blogging consistently shows the world you’re “in business” and gives people a reason to come back to your site besides always telling them to “buy your stuff’. We’ll also cover ways to blog quickly and think of other ways to blog besides writing articles, including video, a picture diary, podcast, Q & A, interviews, and more. Seminar Fee $15.

11:00AM – Noon Wednesday
How to Get Your Products Into Stores
Presented by: Jane Hamill (bio) / Fashion Brain Academy
If you want to get your product into more stores, you have to THINK like a retailer, not a designer. This presentation teaches you the 4 pronged approach to getting an appointment. You’ll also learn what to say to a buyer and what NOT to say, the best way to approach a buyer, how often to contact them, and the one big mistake almost every designer makes with buyer outreach. The seminar is taught by Jane Hamill who was a womenswear buyer and a boutique buyer for many years. She’s been on both sides of the counter and she’ll give it to you straight. Seminar Fee $15

2:00PM – 2:45PM
Costing & Pricing Your Line
Presented by: Jane Hamill (bio) / Fashion Brain Academy
In this Seminar, you’ll learn what goes in your cost sheet and what to leave out, how to eliminate the guesswork in pricing your product and feel confident about your process, typical margins for wholesale, online selling and retail sales, and the simple “backwards” strategy to make sure your product is profitable. Seminar Fee $15.

To purchase a 3 day Seminar pass, click here and scroll down the page to the PayPal Button

To register for individual seminars go to REGISTER

If you’re coming to the show, stop by and say hi!! If I’m not in the Seminar room, I’ll be at the Fashion Brain booth. I LOVE meeting designers and can;t wait to meet you.

Here’s what I look like, just in case…

Jane Hamill pic with mannequin
If you’re coming to the DG Expo on Wednesday, grab me and day hello! This is what I look like…





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