Why I Gave Up My Successful Fashion Business

Artist and entrepreneur

I woke up this morning feeling inspired to tell you a story. Yesterday I shared a post on Facebook from the lovely and talented Danielle LaPorte and what happened next surprised the heck out of me. Danielle is just the right mix of trippy love child combined with #truthbomb entrepreneur. At the moment, her site starts with this…

“Recovering from self-help exhaustion? Join the club.”. Gotta love it…

Anyway, back to the story – and it’s about why I sold my successful, money making business when everyone thought I was crazy. Click below to listen to the story. (WARNING: I use curse words in this episode so grab your headphones if you have kids around).

You can also also click here to download the podcast to any device as an mp3

Here’s the post… 

“Sounds right.” Posted by “Jane Hamill’s Fashion Brain Academy” on Facebook, SHARED from Danielle LaPorte


What do you think of this episode? What do you think of the Facebook post? Leave a comment below – good or bad, I don’t care – I just LOVE hearing from you.

As always, thanks for reading and listening,





23 Responses

  1. I don’t like seeing what’s considered curse words and I get on to my children when they say them but when I saw your post I had to like it. Been there, said that, and I have lived happily ever after. 😀 I love your business, Jane. Wishing you all the best.

    1. Thanks, Kathy! The funny thing is – I feel the SAME WAY (at least when it comes to my kids) Yet I posted this and it feels right. Thanks for your comment.

  2. I can truly relate!!!! Your story speaks volumes! I have been doing the same thing for 8 years now and needed a change so I went back to school for fashion design and I’m loving it! People don’t understand! And I didn’t tell anyone because they just wouldn’t understand! And at first I was offended when they were being so negative, but then people I never expected to come out of the woodwork began to show support! I have been truly humbled and who knows maybe I’ll inspire someone to do something they want! Thank you for you transparency and your inspiring words!

    1. Jennifer, GOOD FOR YOU!! I am so happy that you found the courage to change the course of your career. I know it’s not an easy thing to do. And I really appreciate your support. Putting this episode out is risky to me, and I REALLY appreciate your support.

  3. Oh my goodness, this post totally spoke to me! I got a degree in vocal performance before I started my masters in design. I was just so burnt out and realized far too late that I didn’t have any control of where my career would go, I would always be depending on others. Even though I am so thrilled with my career change, I have and still feel that total lack of support. Becoming an entrepreneur is sometimes a lonely path but you just have to say F that S when do right by you. I’m so glad I’m not alone in this! Thanks for this podcast, I totally needed it today ❤️

    1. Thanks for your comment. Eliana. I think you brought up something HUGE – we all want control over our lives, our future, our time. We want freedom – and that means different things to different people. But I think that’s the base of what we want. I think…
      – Jane

    1. Hi Eryn! It’s ALMOST on iTunes. We are launching it there next week!! I guess I better check out the rules about swearing ASAP…
      – Jane

  4. Thanks so much for giving an honest answer. I came to you with the same question, when we met briefly at the NYC based DG Expo. I was feeling super burnt out and heartbroken at the time because my business was not doing well. I had put so much of myself into it and wasn’t really any satisfaction.
    I think I asked because I was looking for permission to take another route. Ya know?
    For me, the structure of the usual wholesale buying and selling was too much and it was squashing my creativity. So, I’m taking a year off to travel, give talks, and make whatever I want with out considering commercial viability. It’s such a great time in the world to make your own path. I’ll let you know how it goes.
    Thanks again Jane, for the insight.

    1. Rachel, I am PUMPED for you! What a pleasure it must be to “make whatever I want without considering commercial viability”. It’s a tricky thing for us creatives to constantly come up with something COOL that we also feel we can SELL. The struggle is real… Please keep in touch and let me know how things go and where you end up.
      – Jane

    1. Holla!! Thanks for commenting, Tamara. It’s not always easy to share my story but boy am I glad I did. The reaction has been fantastic.
      – Jane

  5. Love this Jane. I have this same quote pinned to one of my pinterest boards. People wont always understand, but you have to do what feels good to your soul. Thank God you did say F#%! that S%$! or else we may never have had the pleasure of learning such valuable information from you!!!!! 🙂

  6. I love it! That’s how I feel about teaching middle school. I’m one year away from retirement. There’s just no satisfaction or fulfillment in it for me anymore. I love the kids, but education is all about testing, testing, and more testing. But that’s another story for another day.

    1. Hi Priscilla! It’s great that you love the kids. Are you starting a product business on the side?

    1. Yep. Life is long (if we’re lucky) and there’s time for multiple businesses. Thanks for commenting, Meher!

    1. You are so right, Whitney! What I mean to convey is something a little different. When an entrepreneur chooses to do their own thing in favor of a steady, well-paying gig, THAT can appear selfish. Even if it feels like life and death to the entrepreneur, it can seem completely cra-cra to “regular” people. Thanks for your input!

  7. Thanks so much for sharing your story Jane.
    It’s important to be able to give up your enterprise. Or else it’s a big trap.

    Closing my label – BelFin in 2010 was great. I opened it again in 2015 and now it’s something that I manage at a level I feel good about.

    Imma leave this here for you Jane, I play it loud in my studio when I feel like telling the world to take a hike: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhRbldQMDXw

    1. Hi Bel! Great to hear from you. Sometimes it’s the right thing to move on down the way…

      Major thanks for the music tip — ” I suggest you don’t be steppin’ on my SHOOOOOOEEESSSSSS.” I’ll be singing it ll day.


  8. Thank you so much for sharing this. I am exactly at the f.. that s… stage in my life. I have been chasing the corporate dream for a while. I even went back to school for a Master’s degree in Sustainable Energy and I just didn’t feel like I was making any difference to any one.

    This year I have decided, enough of this s…, and time to follow my entrepreneurial and fashion design passions and help people along the way and I’m so glad I made that decision. I haven’t quit my job yet but getting close 🙂

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