I’m Not Doing Enough

Do you ever feel like you’re not doing enough in your business?

  • “I should be further along by now”
  • “Why is this taking so long?”
  • “Why is she doing better than I am? What’s up with me?” 

If these sound familiar, you’re not alone.

Every entrepreneur worries that we’re not doing enough sometimes. Our brains run wild with thoughts, and approximately 80% of our thoughts are negative. It’s just part of being alive.

The topic of not doing enough came up in The Club recently and one of our members shared the best advice I’ve ever heard. 

“You will never be doing enough because enough is not a thing you can really define. What is enough? You might want to try to find a way to be with that feeling.”

Find a way to be with that feeling. I just love the honesty of that.

Not push it away, not talk your way out of it. Just BE with the feeling and know you’re not crazy, you’re just an entrepreneur.

And then she went on to say, “I have a lot of decision fatigue right now. And even just writing this comment to help you is actually helping me.

How fantastic! I love our Club community. 

In today’s podcast episode, we dive deeper into the limiting belief of “I am not doing enough” and how to handle it.

Listen in as we break down some really useful strategies to handle the negative thoughts that come when we feel like we aren’t doing enough.

You can also listen on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Soundcloud

What we talk about:

  • We identify when we get stuck in the routine of not feeling like we’re doing enough
  • Some strategies to turn that narrative around from not feeling like we’re doing enough to something much more positive
  • Resources that may be helpful to you when you’re experiencing feelings of slow progress

Resources mentioned in this episode.

And now it’s your turn

What’s the BIGGEST takeaway from this episode? What is it that you don’t feel like you are doing enough of and, after listening to the episode, what new narrative will you take on?

LMK in the comments below.

And remember…Perfect is good but DONE is better! 

xo -Jane



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