Her Startup Story: From Stuck to Highly Productive in 8 Weeks with Stephanie from 3rd Life Leather

“I wasn’t just stuck. I was frozen as hell. It was ridiculous. I know it was all in my head but I couldn’t seem to accomplish anything.”

Meet Stephanie. When she first emailed me 8 weeks ago, she was very, very frustrated. 

She’d been spinning her wheels for two years – two damn years – without making any real progress on the new business she wants to launch selling digital patterns to help people sew recycled leather on a home sewing machine.

She was listening and learning to good advice from experts but not taking any action at all.

She didn’t know why.

She reached out because she was interested in joining our monthly membership, The Club, but was worried she’d repeat the same damn patterns.

  • join a new shiny program
  • listen and learn
  • overthink
  • get confused
  • do nothing
  • feel shitty

She was totally stuck and needed help.

In this episode, she tells us exactly what she did to go from STUCK to massively PRODUCTIVE in only 8 weeks.

Have a listen…

You can also listen on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Soundcloud

Mentioned in the Episode: 

What We Talk About:

  • the ONE thing she’s doing that kickstarted her productivity (finally!) and how you can do it too
  • what she’s doing with her starter email list
  • how she’s getting the word out about her new biz (and you can do the same thing)
  • why she thinks watching others in Hotseat marketing audits are helpful
  • the power of being part of a community of entrepreneurs who are actually nice and want to help, even though she’s a newbie

Want to Work Together?

  1. If you want to make more money with your emails and need a bigger audience for your product-based online shop, you can join The Club. You get access to LIVE marketing audits with Jane where you can turn in your “homework”, get it reviewed, as questions, and get asales. Consistent marketing means consistent sales coming in.
  2. If you want to launch a profitable clothing line, we have a program for new designers, called Launch a Line. It’s a step-by-step course that gives you the blueprint to a successful business so you don’t lose money and time on unnecessary newbie mistakes. 

Thanks for listening. I love hearing from you! Please tell me what you think about this episode in the comments below.

I’m rooting for you!


About Stephanie McIntyre

Stephanie is a former computer programmer and computer science teacher. She’s an artisan at heart and is working on a new business, called 3rd Life Leather, selling digital patterns to help people sew leather on their home machines.

She loves leather, and noticed there are all sorts of leather coats and jackets that could be recycled into something new. Her downloadable patterns will help home sewists create fabulous handbags with old leather.

You can download her free guide, “11 Tips for Sewing Leather on Your Home Sewing Machine” at this link: https://3rdlifeleather.com/





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