
Need a Plan? How to Plan the Next 12 Months of Your E-Commerce Business

“There’s power in a plan”, I said to my client who owns an online boutique selling home goods.

She wasn’t buying it. She replied with…

“Sure, if only I knew if my plan was any good. And if I didn’t lose it. And if I actually stuck to it without changing my mind 50 times.”

Umm hmmmm… I get it.

We love the idea of a plan.

It’s the implementation that gets us.

So what’s your plan? What’s going to be different in the next 12 months? What are you going to be celebrating at this time next year?

I want to give you some specific tips around planning to help you actually achieve a goal.
Have a listen…

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Here’s the Planning System we use in The Club:
  • What’s my Outrageous Goal for the biz?
  • What’s the “bridge version” of the biz in the next 12 months?
  • Next, break it down into the 4Qs of the year, and to 3 specific 90-day goals.
  • Start tracking some #’s every week to see small wins add up (motivation!!)
  • Get help and accountability so I don’t abandon my plan by January 15th. 

Right now in The Club we’re working on all of this together. You can join us here and start the new year off right.

I love hearing from you!

What’s the ONE thing you know for sure will be in your plan for 2022?

xo -Jane



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