Video #1 in my new video serios — 3 ways to grow your line – TODAY’S FASHION BRAIN QUESTION

Hello Fashion Designers,

Well, you’ve been asking questions and I’m ready to answer.

Today is the first day of a new video series that will answer a designer’s question every week or so (see below).  The videos are short and to the point and I’m calling them Today’s Fashion Brain Question.

Now don’t go thinking that implies a new question EVERY DAY.  When I post, it will be TODAY, right? If you have a question you’d like answered, just send it over and I’ll try to include it.

If you have A LOT of questions, then I have something else in the works for you.

New Designer Group Consulting Program

Starting in January 2011, I’ll be offering a New Designer Group Consulting Program.  I’ll post all the details soon.  Basically, I’ll be doing a one-hour tutorial on a different topic each month plus “office hours” for your questions.  Everything can be done online and via phone – no need to leave your office or couch or even dress up cute.  The price will be totally affordable – I promise.  And if you miss a session, you’ll get the recording so you can watch and/or listen when you have time.  Stay tuned.

If you want to be on the Early Bird List for this group, just send us and email to and type EARLY BIRD GROUP in the subject line.


Designer: “I really want to grow my business, Jane.  What do I do to increase volume and increase sales?”

Good question.

Look, there are really only 3 ways to increase your business.

Finding new customers is the hardest way to increase your business.  In this video, I tell you the BETTER ways to increase how much and how often your customers buy from your line.

Check it out here:



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