
Video #1 in my new video serios — 3 ways to grow your line – TODAY’S FASHION BRAIN QUESTION

Hello Fashion Designers,

Well, you’ve been asking questions and I’m ready to answer.

Today is the first day of a new video series that will answer a designer’s question every week or so (see below).  The videos are short and to the point and I’m calling them Today’s Fashion Brain Question.

Now don’t go thinking that implies a new question EVERY DAY.  When I post, it will be TODAY, right? If you have a question you’d like answered, just send it over and I’ll try to include it.  info@janehamill.com

If you have A LOT of questions, then I have something else in the works for you.

New Designer Group Consulting Program

Starting in January 2011, I’ll be offering a New Designer Group Consulting Program.  I’ll post all the details soon.  Basically, I’ll be doing a one-hour tutorial on a different topic each month plus “office hours” for your questions.  Everything can be done online and via phone – no need to leave your office or couch or even dress up cute.  The price will be totally affordable – I promise.  And if you miss a session, you’ll get the recording so you can watch and/or listen when you have time.  Stay tuned.

If you want to be on the Early Bird List for this group, just send us and email to info@janehamill.com and type EARLY BIRD GROUP in the subject line.


Designer: “I really want to grow my business, Jane.  What do I do to increase volume and increase sales?”

Good question.

Look, there are really only 3 ways to increase your business.

Finding new customers is the hardest way to increase your business.  In this video, I tell you the BETTER ways to increase how much and how often your customers buy from your line.

Check it out here:




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