What if retailers are not responding to my emails? (Ask Jane)

I get asked a lot about selling your line and strategies to maximize sales. I’m running this video again to remind you that SELLING your product is a big job. It’s not something you can just do “when you get to it”, “after the line is perfect”, or some such reason.

Many of you don’t want to hear it, but in many ways, selling and marketing your line IS the jobIt’s not just about designing – not even close. And if you really want to JUST design, then get a job as a designer.

If you want to own your own business, you have to do more and do it well. When I had my line I spent about 15% of my time on the actual collection and the other 85% on other stuff.

If I were to start over again, I’d still spend 15% on the line and I’d bump marketing and selling my line up to about 75% of my time. The other 10% would probably go to professional development, aka learning new stuff that would make me money, aka taking classes to learn new skills.

Every other task would go to someone else – delegated to someone more anal retentive and nit-picky than I am. I’ve definitely learned to do what I do best and outsource the rest. Yes, even if it costs money which of course it does.

I’ve also come to believe that follow-up is key in any sales process. People are BUSY these days. They need to be reminded. Anyway, watch the video below and tell me if you see pieces of yourself (so to speak) in the designer who asked the question.

You don’t want to lose a sale, do you?

If you want specific strategies about selling your line to boutiques, I recommend my online, on-demand Sales Bootcamp, “How to Sell Your Line to Boutiques”. It’s good and it will help you sell more.  Find it at www.fashiopnbrainacademy.com/bootcamp.




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