Why Some Fashion Designers Succeed and Others Fail

How to Succeed as a Fashion Design Entrepreneur When you think about what it takes to succeed in business, a lot of things come to mind, for instance:

  • You have to love what you do
  • You have to work hard
  • You need a good product
  • You have to get a support system in place – people you trust to advise you and keep you accountable
  • You have to find good employees
  • You have to have a certain number of sales to pay the bills

The list could go on and on. A while back a new designer asked me what was MY take on why some new designers failed and some succeed. I scratched my head for a few minutes and then I answered her in this video.

So I’d love to know:

What do YOU think is the most important factor for success?  What’s the ONE specific thing that you think is absolutely necessary to stay in business and thrive?

Could be that you agree with me, could be you don’t. Either way I want to hear about it so leave a comment below and me know. And THANK YOU for reading, listening, and sharing your thoughts. Have a great day! Jane



2 Responses

  1. I agree. In as little as a year ago I felt overwhelmed (and guilty) with being Mum to 2 little kids, and wondered if I would ever be able to get anything else done.

    Things don’t always go to plan, but I find if I keep writing lists of things I need to get done to reach my next step, eventually I do get there. Every now and then I look behind me and see what I’ve achieved. I am far from satisfied, but I am much closer to my goals than I used to be.

  2. Hi Lisa,
    Thanks for sharing that honest assessment. I definitely find that 2 kids = great for life and tough on a career! Good for you to keep pluggin’ away and it’s great that you look back on what you have accomplished. Always important to celebrate the wins – even when they’re small but sweet.

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