Before You Start a Fashion Business, Ask Yourself These 6 Questions

Before You Start a Fashion Business, Ask Yourself These 6 Questions6 questions to ask before your start your business

If you’ve been THINKING about launching a clothing line, now is the perfect time to start. With so much uncertainty in the world, wouldn’t it be amazing to be in control of your own destiny?

Your own business gives you flexibility, freedom, and an unparalleled feeling of accomplishment. 

Let’s get you started on your journey! Our BRAND NEW and completely updated fashion startup course is OPEN for enrollment! The “Launch a Line” course is a self study course that includes a rockin’ community of like-minded entrepreneurs + access to LIVE Q&A to get all your specific questions answered. 

The business you’ve been dreaming of really IS possible.  All you need is the step by step blueprint, a chance to ask questions when you get stuck, and support from other like-minded folks who are willing to share resources. I hope you join us.

“The dream has to be bigger than your fear.” -Steve Harvey

So you want to start a clothing or accessories line.

That’s great! But why?

There are a lot of reasons to start a fashion business. For instance…

  • You’re tired of your job.
  • You have a lot of creativity and you want to use it.
  • You have a fantastic idea that you know everyone will love.
  • You have a need for a product that’s not available and you think others will want it too.

Some of these reasons to launch a business are good and some are, well… not so good. 

In today’s episode, we’ll cover this + the 6 questions you should ask yourself BEFORE you start a fashion business.

I wish someone would have made me listen to this BEFORE I started. 🙂

Have a listen…

 You can also listen on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Soundcloud, or Spotify

Before you start a fashion business, ask yourself these 6 questions:

  1. What do you want to start a business? Is it because you hate your job?
  2. Are you willing to be VERY uncomfortable?
  3. Do your family and friends support you?
  4. Do you realize that a successful business is NOT about how great your ideas are?
  5. If this failed, would you regret it?
  6. Are you ready to commit to imperfect action?

Mentioned in this episode

Let me know how you answered these questions and if this podcast helped you. I love hearing from you!





2 Responses

  1. Hi Jane, I’m very excited for this 4 day workshop and the Live session on Thursday. However I’m based in Singapore and work a full time job and a mum. As much as I’d like to think I can be up at 1am for this workshop, I’m not sure if I’d be up all morning. Is there any possibility that you will be recording this session please?

    Thanks for your generosity in doing workshops like this for people like me who are so eager to start a business but lost on how?.
    Thanks very much

    1. Hello! You don’t have to show up live for the Fashion Startup Challenge. Everything will be recorded and available to you in the private Challenge FB Group. We’ll be leaving the Group up for ONE WEEK after the Challenge ends so be sure to get what you need before that, OK? Thanks,

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