
How to Sell Your Clothing or Accessories Line Without Being “Salesy” – Webinar, Thursday, September 8, 1 PM Eastern

WOW! The response from last week’s SALES Webinar has been amazing! Thanks to everyone for all the great feedback. I’m so psyched about it, I’m going to do it again.

Yahoo, do it, Jane. Do that Webinar.

LIVE – this Thursday, 9/8, at 1 PM Eastern, 10 AM Pacific, 12 PM Central. “How to Sell Your Clothing or Accessories Line Without Being Salesy or Feeling Like You Have to Beg”.

It’s free! So what’s your excuse???

Register NOW and reserve your spot.

Here’s what it’s all about:

You CAN learn how to sell without feeling “cheesy”.  You can do it authentically, and I’ll show you how.  You’ll also discover:

  • the steps you need to sell more – what you MUST have in place before you approach a potential customer
  • the ONE postcard I sent to Neiman Marcus that got me an appointment with a head buyer
  • 2 simple strategies that are pulling in orders like crazy for designers – right now

SIGN UP NOW: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/399206190

Feedback on the last SALES Webinar: 67% of those who attended took a little poll. “I thought the Webinar was…”

“Awesome, more than I expected” = 60% — “Definitely worth my time” = 40%

Facebook comments left on the Fashion Brain Page:

…”That was such a great webinar! Thanks so much for doing it. It really helped coordinate and inspire me to come up with a solid game plan.”

…”a very well-spent hour. thanks Jane!”

…I thoroughly enjoyed the webinar. The information was right on point. Can’t wait until your next webinar.

… “It was a great, thanks for all the useful information. I look forward to taking the New Designer Online Training Course. Thanks Jane!”

…”Thank you so much! I took 6 pages of notes!!! It felt like I couldn’t write fast enough! This was one time I wished I had really paid attention in my shorthand class back in high school!”

“See” you Thursday


P.S. The webinar is free…

P.P.S. Will you do me a favor?  Post this info on Facebook, Twitter etc? Let’s get this in the hands of more struggling fashion designers!

All anyone needs to register it this link:





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