
I’d still be struggling… without this

It’s 2013. Now what??

I’ve been thinking about how you can make this year better than 2012. How you can build the business that measures up to your dream, supports you the way you want, and brings you the satisfaction you crave. For a long time, I struggled with many issues that kept me “stuck”.  Things like:

  • Lack of focus
  • Feeling isolated as an entrepreneur
  • Procrastination
  • Information Overwhelm
  • Not knowing what to do NEXT
  • Lack of support
  • No where to turn when I had questions

How to FocusCan you relate? On Thursday at 1:30 pm EST, I’m going to get a little personal. I’ll share with you how I was able to get around these issues and some stories of how many designers have done the same.

I’ll give you real-life examples of how I went from struggling and frustrated to getting what I want from my business.  And I’ll share the difference it has made in my life. To be honest, I’m a little nervous to put this out there but I’m holding my breath and sharing it anyway (out of the comfort zone, right??)

What: free Online Training– What Stops Entrepreneurs In Their Tracks and How to Get Around It
When:  Thursday, January 10th, 1:30pm Eastern (11:30am PST, 12:30pm CST)
Where: Online and on the Phone

Sign up now to get access to this live Training Call. Access details will be emails to you ASAP.

Sign me up for this free training right now!

“See” you Thursday! –Jane



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