First you GIVE, then you ASK with Riche Holmes Grant

First you GIVE, then you ASK with Riche Holmes Grant

Riche Holmes Grant and Jane Hamill podcast

You’re in for a treat today. My guest is Riche Holmes Grant – my HERO when it comes to entrepreneurship. Riches started 3 years ago making a few baby products in her basement – things she needed as a new Mom. 

Riche already had her own service-based business — test prep/tutoring/admissions – and creating a product was completely new to her. Like so many of us, she had NO IDEA where to find a pattern maker or a sample sewer. She had no experience in manufacturing or marketing a product. But that didn’t stop her.

Fast forward to today and she’s getting emails from Oprah’s people with special requests, a contributor to Martha Stewart, and interviewing Ariana Huffington about sleep. Bam.  

Listen to this episode on iTunes or Stitcher Radio. You can also download it to any device as an mp3 by clicking the download “arrow” icon under the bar above.

Here’s what we cover…

  • The NEED Riche had for a useful product that she couldn’t find in the marketplace to start BambiniWare
  • Where she found validation to make her business “real” 
  • Riche’s advice on what you CANNOT fully delegate in your business 
  • How to utilize working with what you have, no matter how small you are
  • Martha Stewart’s 10 rules of business
  • What entrepreneurs should do FIRST before asking for a favor
  • Why West Elm uses BambiniWare’s pop-up shop model for all their events
  • How to get the attention of Arianna Huffington AND Oprah

Bambiniware - Riche Holmes Grant


Show notes:

I LOVE talking to Riche. She is such a lovely person and so truthful about her story. After we taped this episode we stayed on the phone for another hour talking about sales, kids, networking, Facebook videos, taking naps…all the stuff only another female entrepreneur can truly relate to.

Now it’s  your turn  — give me your HONEST feedback about this episode in the comments below.  I can’t wait to hear from you! 


P.S. Who do you want me to interview next? On my list is DVF. Seriously, name anyone and I can at least TRY to get to them!



9 Responses

  1. I would love for you to get Sara Blakely next time! She’s definitely my virtual mentor along with Oprah 🙂

  2. I just listened to this entire Podcast!!

    I LOVE THIS!!! Riche Thank you for sharing your story and Jane thank you for this podcast.
    It was confirming and inspiring to hear someone who has similar business goal as I do for my company. Entrepreneurship; is no JOKE and I think we share the same mind set..if you want huge and successful results you have to work for it and sometimes that’s easy or pretty!

    We have VERY similar start up stories with little to no experience within the fashion design world, but after days web search, reading tons of Jane’s blogs and participating in Fashion Brain Academy’s program; I have been able to navigate a little smarter than I started. This was so refreshing and much needed today!!

    Thanks for sharing your time managment and goal setting process!

    Riche I wish you the absolute best of everything and all of your desires come to reality. You have a new fan!!

    Jane keep doing everything you do!


  3. Stellar! Thanks Jane and Riche.
    Congrats on your success Riche.
    I loved the Macro and daily to do list.
    and the napping.
    One of the best things I’ve learnt from Jane (and oh, there are so many from FBA) is to lay on the couch for 20 mins before I go for school pick up.
    Peace to you.
    In kindness
    BelFin Women’s Pants Specialist

    1. Bel,
      Thanks for your comment. I can;’t believe you remember that couch tip! I still do that and it motivates me to get muy shizzle DONE in time to treat myself to the quiet couch de-compress time before the crazy kid time kicks in.

      Rooting for you!

  4. Loved hearing Riche’s story, and the idea of finding a virtual mentor. All the best to her! And thanks, Jane, for raising this topic of the giving entrepreneur–great food for thought and a compelling way to build positive energy around a business concept.

  5. Wow. I’m blown away. This has to be hands down one of my favorite interviews. I learned so much about time management, putting what you want out there in the universe and actually believing in yourself. So amazing!! Thank you for this. I’m so happy for Richie. She’s amazing.

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