
(Podcast) Heavy Mental Detox – a Personal Journey of Entrepreneurship, Creativity, and Other Scary Stuff

Heavy Mental Detox – a Personal Journey of Entrepreneurship, Creativity, and Other Scary Stuff (Podcast)

a heavy mental detox podcast

Do you ever wonder what is REALLY going on with someone’s business? Not the airbrushed Instagram version but the holy crap that’s really going down version.

About what it really takes –and means – to be an entrepreneur who makes money with their creativity? 

In today’s podcast, we talk entrepreneurship, divorce, fear, men, making your own money, babies, being a boss, truth telling…

I recently turned 50 (whaaaaaaa??) so I somehow found the courage to post this today. I’m starting to do scary shizzle like this because well, why not? If it helps just one person’s business it’s a win – so who am I to be so afraid to tell a true story? And yes, I feel like puking as I write this – that’s how scary this is.

I hope you like it and I really hope it helps you in some small way.

Download this episode on iTunes or Stitcher Radio. You can also click here to download it to any device as an mp3. 

Here’s what I cover…

  • Creativity, divorce, fear, men, making your own money, what makes someone successful
  • The scary $7200 I spent on my first business coach (and the holy crap the results)
  • There’s the business mission I tell people and then there’s the real reason...aka Jane’s story
  • “True” entrepreneurs vs. someone who plays one on TV
  • Starting a fashion brand TODAY – the game’s changed
  • Using creativity to make a product and then using it again to SELL it
  • The magic business partner all creatives want and where the heck is she anyway?
  • The Nasty Gal experience and how it affects your small business

Show notes:

Your turn!! Please give me your HONEST feedback about this episode in the comments below. I can’t wait to hear from you! 




30 Responses

  1. As always, you are so personal and informative in your podcasts. When you were answering the first question, your history reflected mine totally! Loved it. You are very inspiring … hope I can take your thoughts and move forward. Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a great podcast! I love your honest answers to all these questions and I really feel so lucky to have worked with you in the past and now working together in SMPO. My favorite part of the entire podcast… “I’m looking for people who set up that lemonade stand”… Well I tried to sell my mom’s coworkers saltine crackers with spray cheese designs for $.10 at age 7. My mom made me give all the $ back, but I guess the hustle has always been there. Thanks for all the honesty, truth bombs and great info!!! #JaneSavedMyBuisness

    1. Erika, I LOVE this story. You’re a natural-born entrepreneur. I’d like to think that if you were my daughter, I would have asked you to raise that price (of course) and I certainly would let you keep the money. Either way, whatever recipe your mom had to raise you she did a great job! It’s been such a pleasure working with you in the sell more online program. I can’t wait to get back in there with you and do it again! #teamwork

  3. Hi Jane, It’s Sharon from the SF/DG Expo Show! (Heliades stylish sun protection apparel). I receive so many emails – the interesting ones I try to ‘save’ to read later. All your mails explain the content and are organized clearly so I asked myself, why did I click on yours immediately? I think it’s because you just put yourself out there like never before – you were willing to talk about your personal life experiences and were/maybe are still agonizing over it. The brutal honesty about your thought process and how it made you feel strikes a chord for me. I am wrestling with the realization I need to open up and put myself out there in order to rise above the noise and truly build my community if I want people to know me and buy from me. I need to do the “Mindset shift to use your creativity to sell your product”. Obviously it works because I not only listened immediately to your podcast, I was motivated to leave you a comment, too! Thank you for the inspiration!

    1. Sharon, the fact that you listened and are taking an immediate action after getting this information shows just what a BOSS you are. This type of behavior means something when it comes to running a business. Seriously, a lot of people listen, and think, and say, oh that was nice, but they don’t DO anything with the information! Even just the seemingly small step of leaving a comment immediately after you learn something can get you in the habit of taking action quickly and decisively. This type of behavior is a “tell” for how successful a person will be.

  4. Hi Jane!
    Rhinestone Cheryl from Sk8 Gr8 Designs here! I had an afternoon of quiet work and listened to the podcast. It is great, I enjoyed it tremendously! I’m still making improvements to my business from our sessions together, and look forward to working with you in the future. I just have to thank you for all the great advice I’ve received. The point I enjoyed most in the podcast is the importance of understanding the personal and business aspects of a client, it has been key for me in developing goals.

    1. Good for you, Cheryl! You have a terrific attitude. I’m rooting for you and your (continued) success.

  5. You are simply terrific! Wonderful podcast (as always) and I found your personal journey touching and inspiring. I’m so glad I’ve found you and your workshops!

    1. Thanks, Shari. It’s wonderful to have you in SMPO – and soon the Inner Circle! I admire your knack for continuing to show up and do the work. THAT is how great businesses are made. ?

  6. Loved this. Even though I have had a similar journey to you, I still learn from you and relate what you are saying to my new ventures. I keep thinking that my fashion groove will come back, but it hasn’t. I’m excited to hear about your help with creatives. Thanks for your open candor and honesty, always appreciated. I feel like I’m listening to a good friend tell me what’s up even though we have never met in person.

    1. Thanks so much for commenting. It was super scary to put this out there today, but your reaction makes me so glad I did! I think we are kindred spirits…

  7. Jane!!!! Girl!!! I listened to this on the way to my hair appointment..and let me say i probably should’ve waited until I was not driving before i tuned in! You touched on being brave and trying not to puke in your description of your podcast..and not caring about what people think…truly not giving a fk! You have no idea how this hit home for me..I’m about to turn 40 next week and this is what ive been pondering all week! i feel like we were having a round table discussion during happy hour!

  8. Tamara, thanks for your comment! Happy Birthday! Nothing like a big milestone birthday you get the juices flowing.
    P.S. I hope your hair looks awesome. ?

  9. Welcome to the “over fifty and fabulous” group. I had the same experience/epiphany of finally not worrying about what people thought or said about me or my creations, it does free you up in all kinds of ways.
    Jane I have always appreciated your candor, it’s one of the things that first drew me to you and your work. I mean if you can’t trust that your coach/mentor will share honestly and truthfully what good are they! You have never (that I’m aware of) let the difficult stop you. To me that is the key to being a successful entrepreneur.
    I look forward to your next endeavor as I’m getting ready to transition my own business. Thank you for sharing,E

    1. Ericka!! Thanks for commenting. Please shoot me an email and tell me what’s next for you! I can’t wait to hear about it.

  10. The podcast was great! I enjoy your honesty in sharing your personal experiences. You are a true mentor….lol forward to the next podcast.

  11. Thank you so much for sharing! I am launching my line this summer and needed to hear some of your truths!!
    Great content.

  12. As always your transparent voice speaks volumes and it’s so amazing to have found someone who works with CREATIVES in a knowledgeable and honest space as Fashion Brain Academy. I’ve been en entrepreneur most 90% of my adult life having only worked for someone else a few years out of college. Although new in selling in the fashion industry I am confident that I will be successful with the help of you and putting “my marketing skills” into ACTION! Thanks!

  13. That was so amazing! I love listening to your vids and podcasts because they always make feel good and so inspired. While I was taking your SMPO course, I was also a part of another online community, but found myself looking forward to your weekly video chats more, because of your refreshing honesty and energy. My favorite thing you revealed from this podcast is your selective memory of failure! So great. Lately when I have to make a tough decision, I ask myself if I am doing something out of fear or hope to give myself the courage get out of my comfort zone. Thanks for the inspiration, Jane!

    1. Kisha, so glad I could help to inspire you! Good for you to be conscious of WHY you’re doing things to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Keep pushin’ – it make a difference!

  14. Great open, honest podcast. I TOO have the motivation of wanting to be able to provide for myself / family and not relying on a man. It started as a child when my mom would always ASK for money from my dad…Thanks for this, really great podcast with great tips along the way as we’re building our biz.

  15. Thanks so much for commenting, Helen. It’s amazing how much personal stuff all entrepreneurs have to desl with. But it’s soooo worth it!

  16. Great episode! As a child of divorce, financial independence is a HUGE motivator for me, too. Listening to your podcasts on my 90-minute morning drives gets my day started off right! Thanks for the honesty, inspiration and encouragement.

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