
How to Make Your Fashion Brand More Sustainable with Shannon Lohr

3 Ways Your Fashion Brand Can Be More Sustainable

Shannon Lohr, owner of Factory 45, is my special guest in today’s podcast. She shares 3 pretty simple ways you can make your current business more sustainable.  

Shannon is a rock star and is completely dedicated to product sustainability. She teaches entrepreneurs how to launch a sustainable and ethical clothing, accessories, (or any sewn product) line and is the most lovely human.

Trust me, she’s not on a sustainability soapbox and won’t shove anything down your throat. She wants to help YOU and the planet.

We talk about:

  • 3 simple things to start doing TODAY to make your product more sustainable (#2 is the easiest IMO)
  • Is there any such thing as a truly sustainable fashion brand?
  • The #1 marketing message mistake most sustainable brands make 
  • Which fabrics are most sustainable and why
  • Which companies that are doing a good job at being truly as sustainable as possible
  • The simplest and easiest thing you can do to start being more sustainable with your fashion company

Watch above or listen below:

You can also listen on iTunesStitcher, Spotify, or Soundcloud

Show Notes: 


Let me know what actions you’ll take in the comments below. I’d love to hear!


More about Shannon Lohr, founder of Factory 45:

Shannon works with entrepreneurs all over the globe to launch sustainable & ethical fashion brands the right way, from the start.

Over the past 8+ years, She’s mentored hundreds of people who have an idea for a clothing brand but aren’t sure where to start.

Through Factory45, you can with Shannon to source fabric, set up manufacturing, and raise money to launch your brand — in the most time efficient and cost-effective way possible.



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