Podcast #23: Holly from Dame Couture Shares What Bridal Buyers Are Looking for in a Collection


I have something GREAT for you today! In Podcast Episode #23 (yep, I’m back on the podcast train…) I interview a Holly Greenhagen from Dame Couture. Holly is a designer and a retailer and her charming bridal shop is in Evanston, IL. She spills the beans in this interview about what works, what’s not working, and what bridal designers should do to get bridal buyers interested.

In this episode, Holly and I discuss:

  • Why she decided to design her line AND carry other bridal lines too
  • How her journalism degree from Northwestern turned into a bridal business
  • How she gets customers
  • Which part of the business sells the most – accessories? Holly’s own designs? veils? 
  • How to pitch a bridal store buyer to get your line pick up
  • What makes a bridal buyer carry a new collection in their shop
  • The deal with Bridal Trunk Shows and how to book one
  • What kind of pictures bridal designers should have
  • Who GETS the order when there are so many choices out there

Mentioned in the Interview:

Click below to listen to the interview:

You can also click here to download the podcast to any device as an mp3

get your bridal line into stores



Find Holly and Dame Couture here: 

What do YOU think? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Good or bad, I just LOVE hearing from you!

As always, thanks for reading and listening,





13 Responses

  1. Jane, that was an awesome interview with Holly! You asked all the right questions and the information Holly shared is so helpful to me at this point in my business. Thank you both so much!

  2. It almost makes me want to open a new bridal salon. I love the idea of trading samples. Having to purchase the 5 gowns a season was always difficult because you could get stuck with dresses you didn’t like and old inventory. I wonder how the trading of samples might work with couture retail pieces, hmmmm…….

    You always give me something to think about. Great interview Jane. Thank you Holly.

  3. Great interview! It’s always great to hear what store owners are interested in and how the like to be approached. I loved the “don’t tell me your inspiration” line. I thought people wanted that – I was wrong! Thanks, Jane!

    1. Oh man, JoJo… Buyers do NOT care about your inspiration at all. Consumers care, but B to B selling is different in this aspect.
      – Jane

  4. Hi Jane! Thank you for this great info! I met Holly on one of your first manufacturing tours and had a great day with her and really liked her sensibility. So, of course, I had to drive by her lovely store just to see it in person.
    It’s fantastic to get an update on her business and business acumen.

    1. Yep, it’s a small world after all… Thanks, Wendela!
      P.S. Sorry to put that song in your head.

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