
Podcast #15: Five Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Start a Fashion Business

5 questions to ask yourself before you start a clothing or accessories business

I’ll be the first to admit that it’s hard to think through the tough questions. Most of us would rather get started designing our awesome product than think through the details of what it means to own a business.

On this episode of the Fashion Brain podcast, we talk about what questions you need to ask yourself before you launch a fashion line (or any business, for that matter). It’s a step many of us want to skip. But I warn you… If you launch a fashion biz (and start spending money) without addressing these issues first, you’ll be sorry.

podcast for clothing and accessories designers

 Click here to learn the 5 questions you need to ask yourself >>>


In this episode, we’ll cover:

  • What to think about before you start spending money
  • Typical fashion startup mistakes
  • Why you have to make time for your business and learn to say no
  • Why worrying about “being nice” can be bad for business
  • The highs and lows of being an entrepreneur
  • Grit and how to know if you have it
  • The huge difference between having a great idea and implementing it

“Come up with original, clever ideas and make sure you’re doing at least 12 things different from anyone else in your business category. If you don’t give people something to talk about, then nobody is going to talk about you.” – Johnny Cupcakes

An overview of the questions:

  1. Do I have a compelling concept?
  2. Do I have the GRIT to get through the lean years
  3. Am I going in with a clear idea of what I want and what for my life and mu business?
  4. Do I have the knowledge and education I need to execute my vision or am I willing to get it?
  5. Am I good and saying NO?

If you’re  starting a business or THINKING about launching a line, then consider taking some real action toward your goal and meet me in Chicago! I’m hosting a live event for startups, the “Launch a Line” Bootcamp. Click here to check it out right now >>>

Now it’s your turn.

Was this podcast helpful to you? If it was, click the LIKE button and share it with your friends. And tell me this… Which of these 5 questions do you think is MOST important? Is there one that you failed to consider and wish you had? Let me know in the comments below! I’d love to get to know you better.

As always, thanks for reading and listening,




6 Responses

  1. The one that resonates with me is #3, a clear plan for my lifestyle and my business. As a NDP student I have heard this before, but I always need reminded to create that clear vision just like I have for my designs. In fact I need reminded of everything which is why I listen to your podcasts and watch your videos whenever I can! Keep on rockin. Janette

  2. You are not alone in wanting to be reminded of things. I feel the exact same way! It’s easy to get distracted and lose focus. I heard a great saying one time and it’s so true…

    “Motivation is like taking a shower. You can’t expect to do it on Sunday and have it last until Thursday. It’s pretty much an every day thing.”

  3. Great post. These questions seem obvious, but I found that if I took the time to actually write down my answers to each of them, I hadn’t really thought them through in as much detail as you describe. #5, about saying ‘no’ resonated with me, specifically as it relates to sticking to my niche target market and saying no to trying to create products that appeal to everyone in the broader market. I’m learning to embrace the idea that if I create a great line for my niche market, others outside of that market will take notice.

  4. Great podcast is always Jane thank you. I found that #3 really resonates with me. Define my ideal life and business, something that I never considered I can control or have a say in. This is also similar to what Marie Foleo says in one of her videos, “How do you define success?”

    Being multi-passionate, I have always found it hard to stick with a decision and just put the others aside, until recently. I decided to put my jewelry dreams aside for now until I grow a tribe. I do have my doubts in my decision, even now as I type, but I have to remind myself that I will waste $$ and my time creating a collection that only I love.
    I have to make my business all about my tribe not me or my product, which has a lot to do with why I have chosen to temporarily stop in this direction. I want to create jewelry for myself and it became clear that my WHY was selfish and not of service.

    1. Good for you, Katy! And the truth is, once you build an audience, you can always decide what to sell. You’ll have a base of people that you understand and you’ll be able to ask them what they want to buy.

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