The Dream Business vs. the Safe Choice

Here’s another quickie episode for you. 

I was scrolling through Facebook and I got sucked into Reels. I found one from Jim Carrey that just really hit me about risk and doing what you love. It is SO powerful.

I love it so much!

Here’s what he said:

“My father could have been a great comedian, but he didn’t believe it was possible for him. And so he made a conservative choice. Instead, he got a safe job as an accountant. And when I was 12 years old, he was let go from that safe job. And our family had to do whatever we could to survive. I learned many great lessons from my father, not the least of which was that you can fail at what you don’t want. So you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.” -Jim Carrey

I find that a lot of entrepreneurs, a lot of my members, and a lot of the startups that I work with, they’re doing the entrepreneurial thing, but they only have one toe in the water. They’re not all in because they’re afraid to risk too much.

So many of you want to have an online store because you want the flexible life. You want the hours that you choose, to go on vacation when you want, to be in control of your income.

So why not take a chance at doing what you love, because you could also fail at something you don’t even want to be doing.

Have a listen…

You can also listen on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or Soundcloud

Want to Work Together?

  1. If you need a bigger audience for your product-based online shop, and want more consistent traffic and sales, you can join The Club. You’ll get direct access to Jane for LIVE marketing Hotseats and reviews. Consistent marketing means consistent sales coming in.
  2. If you want to launch a profitable clothing line, we have a program for new designers, called Launch a Line. It’s a step-by-step course that gives you the blueprint to a successful launch so you don’t make the same mistakes I did when you start. 

AND don’t forget to sign up for the LIVE Email Bootcamp that’s coming up!

If you want to send emails that convert to sales then you need to do the bootcamp.

Send Emails. Get Sales.

Only $15!

By the end of the Bootcamp, you’ll know exactly …

  • what to say in your emails
  • how often to send them
  • how to get people to click through and BUY 

Plus, you’ll have your next 4 weeks of emails created and scheduled! 

Don’t miss this! Email has the highest ROI (42x) of any marketing activity out there!

Sign up for the Email Bootcamp ($15)

OK, its your turn. Are you going to take the risk? What are you going to do to jump into the pool?

LMK in the comments. I love hearing from you!

xo -Jane



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