
The Future of Retail and Online Shopping – 3 Things I Learned From a Retail Symposium This Week

3 Things to Know About the Future of Retail and Online Shopping

The Future of Retail and E-commerce - 3 Things I learned from the Retail Symposium

Hi guys!  I recently did a Facebook LIVE video (I’ve been busy over there on da facebooks and it’s a blast) about what I learned at an FGI retail symposium and wanted to share with you some of my takeaways. Before I drive in, this quote from Gwen Morrison, a retail expert from the conference, really stuck with me because it’s so on point.

“You can’t just put products on shelves and expect people to be happy for very much longer.” – Gwen Morrison

BAM. Having owned a boutique in Chicago for 14 years, I couldn’t agree more. People crave experiences, not just stuff.

Here’s what’s covered in the video:

  • The #1 thing people look at when they go shopping – definitely NOW what I thought it was!
  • Technology in dressing rooms and how they can help retailers’ buying decisions.
  • Pop-up shops done RIGHT with Samsung technology. 
  • Traditional malls are dead, totally donezo. What brick and mortar locations are doing to bring people in
  • The expert panel’s advice on COLLABORATION.

Mentioned in the video:

Sew Heidi’s new book: The Ultimate Guide to Being a Freelance Fashion Designer: http://successfulfashiondesigner.com/freelance-fashion-designer-ultimate-guide/

The Sell More Products Online (SMPO) program: https://janehamill.com/smpo/

I’d love to know what YOUR takeaways are from this video. Let me know in the comments below. I LOVE hearing from you!




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