
Fashion Startup Mistakes: 6 Things New Clothing Designers Need to Know Before They Start a Business

Fashion Startup Mistakes: 6 Things New Clothing Designers Need to Know Before They Start a Business

I could fill a book with all the mistakes I made with my fashion business. A War and Peace sized book.????

In today’s video + podcast, I’ve narrowed it down to the top 6 startup mistakes to avoid. I’m pretty sure I’ve made them all.

I also gathered some honest advice from other designers about what they wish they knew when they started. I’m including screenshots below. 🙂

You can also listen on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Spotify, or on Soundcloud

What Other Fashion Designers Wish They Knew When They Started…

Want to Work Together?

  1. If you want to launch a profitable clothing line, we have a program for new designers, called Launch a Line. It’s a step-by-step course that gives you the blueprint to a successful launch. You get unlimited access to the course for 3 full years plus a great community of like-minded entrepreneurs.
  2. If you’re currently selling online and want more consistent traffic and sales, you can join The Content Club. You’ll get expert training, LIVE marketing Hotseat reviews, Study Hall, a private Facebook community, and accountability to grow your online business. 

Perfect is good but DONE is better. I’m rooting for you 100%!




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