
Podcast #8: How to Turn Your Good Publicity into Profit

turn publicity into sales (apparel and accessories line)

Podcast episode #8 gives you 5 things you can do to get your publicity to translate into profit. I mean, what’s the point of going after media placement if it doesn’t result in sales?

podcast for clothing and accessories designers

Turn your publicity into profit >>>


Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:

    • How to turn “lookers” into buyers
    • What to do when a prospect doesn’t want to buy just yet
    • How to make sure you keep in touch with web traffic
    • How one simple website tweak can increase qualified leads by 20%
    • What to ask yourself if you get traffic from media placement but no sales

So here’s the thing…

We don’t always know what press placement will result in more traffic to our sites. And we definitely cannot always predict what sales will come from press. 

What you CAN do is be ready for the website traffic that publicity will send your way. You want to do EVERYTHING in your power to use that press to convert lookers into buyers. Today’s episode gives you 5 simple, actionable steps you can do right away to boost sales. 

And tell me this… Did you like this podcast? If so, will you please click the LIKE button and share the love? I would very much appreciate it!


OK, it’s time to take action. Which of these 5 strategies will you start with? What specific action (however small or large) will you take right now? Let me know in the comments below.



4 Responses

  1. Hi Jane! You read my mind, this is exactly what I’ve been talking about lately, how do I turn all the good publicity I’ve gotten into sales? I have gotten some newsletter sign ups from it.
    I have a newsletter sign up, I could place it more prominently on my site. Next time I get a placement, I’ll do what you suggest in the podcast and update the website with a clickable bit about it.
    And there’s another lead that’s in progress.

  2. I will take your advice and work on improving my website. Thanks!
    I do have a question regarding celebrities and publicity. If I am ever so lucky to have a celebrity wear my product, how can I put out a post, and to whom, do I send out my new info. For example, if Beyounce wore my lingerie, how can I let the world know, besides just on my little website and social media? Thanks again. You are always so helpful.

  3. Very valid points! My question is… How do you link a pop up for your news letter sign ups?? I’m currently using wordpress. Is there a different app I’m suppose to be using for it?

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