How Bean Goods Went from $134K to $1 Million in Sales: Pet Business Case Study PART 1

How Bean Goods Grew from $134K to $1 Million in Sales: Pet Product Case Study – PART 1

One Million Dollars in Sales as a product business owner?! YES! This episode breaks down exactly how they did it.

My guest today is Claire Wolfson from Bean Goods. She takes us through exactly how she and her partner (and husband) Chris grew the business from $134K in sales just three years ago to over $1 million in 2021.

FIRST, download the timeline to help you to stay clear on the exact steps Claire took to get to $1 million in sales for her online Shopify store.

Claire’s success was NOT an overnight thing. She was on the show a few years back when she had almost doubled her sale in a year’s time. And now, Bean Goods just did $1 million in sales last year.

She went from being overwhelmed, frustrated, and broke to paying off ALL debt, moving the business out of their apartment and hiring employees,.

And get this, Claire shares her numbers!! Including the actual ROI of different marketing channels (email, SMS, brand reps, FB & IG ads). She truly wants ot help other c-commerce store owners and she does not hold back on the truth of what it takes to build a 7-figure online store. 

Buckle up and let’s go. This is Part 1 of this 2-part Podcast.

Key things we talk about:

  • The start of Bean Goods
  • Setting Business Goals
  • Sales Figures, Average Order Value, and ROI Percentages , ROAS
  • Building a Team (and losing team members)
  • Creating and Implementing Business Systems – With a winning Book Recommendation. 
  • and SO MUCH MORE! 

Resources mentioned in this episode.

A snapshot about Bean Goods

“Bean Goods is a clothing and accessories brand (weiner dog themed) originally born in Portland, Oregon in 2011. It is inspired by our little black and tan dachshund, bean who is now 17 years old. He is our hero. When Bean was 4 years old he suffered a serious back injury that caused him to lose control of his hind legs also known as IVDD. We were devastated and didn’t know what our little guy’s outcome would be.

He underwent major reconstructive back surgery and miraculously made a full recovery. Bean needed a partner in crime to keep his spirits high so we adopted a wire-haired brother for him, joyles vanguard of the waldorfs (aka Van). Bean and Van have been slaying life as business pawtners and bffs ever since! Bean is the president of our company. Van is the VP.

We relocated to the LA area after spending a year on the road in our 13 ft travel trailer, the weenstream. We are thrilled to now be a part of the amazing community of so cal wieners and doxie enthusiasts!”

What’s the BIGGEST takeaway from this episode? Has it inspired you to take action?

Listen to this episode and let me know what you think in the comments below. I love hearing from you.

And remember…Perfect is good but DONE is better!

xo -Jane



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