
Can Your Website Pass This “3 Second Rule” Test?

Start and e-commerce boutique

A few weeks ago I did a little survey (on my Facebook Page) and asked what topics you want me to teach next. Ya’ll said selling online was at the top of the list. So when I woke up this morning, I felt inspired to make you this quick video about the “3 Second Rule” for your website. It’s something that’s really helped me improve my website.

– even though it’s always a work in progress. What do you think? Let me know in the comments below what happened when you did this test. Did people “get it”? Did you hear some crazy questions? What changes will you make to your site? I can’t wait to hear your story! Thanks for watching! Jane P.S. Did you register for the FREE Live Webinar yet? “3 E-Commerce Web Features you Can’t Grow Without” with Jennifer Rapp Peterson (and me). Check here to register for the free Webinar!  



6 Responses

  1. This was awsome…so many websites has screwups. I have to get mine up and going…thanks Jane great pointers
    foreveryone…just have to follow great

  2. This was very helpful! Thank you.. I feel my site is easy to navigate , however having someone who does not know anything About my company will be the real test .
    Thank you.

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