Fashion Brain Academy’s Launch a Line Event Has Begun!
Hello, everybody! Katie here!! It’s a BEAUTIFUL morning to learn how to Launch a Line! We’ve got a full table of business owners with BIG
Hello, everybody! Katie here!! It’s a BEAUTIFUL morning to learn how to Launch a Line! We’ve got a full table of business owners with BIG
I’m trying something new today! I think you;re going to love it. I’m hosting a live event for Fashion Startups today at the Willis (Sears)
What do you do when you think you have great ideas for fashion products but don’t want to actually start your own clothing line? I
Looking for images for your website or blog but don’t want to pay a lot for them? Here’s my list! You can also scroll down
Deciding how to sell your clothing, jewelry, or accessories line can be daunting. Gone are the days of just selling wholesale because that was the
This is the 2nd article in a two part series. Click here for part one. Before you can start to sell to buyers, it’s helpful
I work with a lot of clothing and accessories designers about how to sell their product wholesale and approach retail buyers. Honestly, most of them just want
I hear a LOT of excuses from would-be business owners about why they don’t get started, how they’re “not ready”, and why they just need this