
Why It’s Hard to Sell

Why It’s Hard To Sell

Why it's hard for creative entrepreneurs to sell

First – a quick clarification. I received a great question about my online course, Launch a Line, which is for people who want to launch or grow and clothing line. The question was…

“I already launched. Technically I already have a business but I feel like I didn’t do it correctly. Is this course for me?”

YES. The course teaches you how to launch AND grow your line. Find out more here

Next up… 

Why do so many creative entrepreneurs struggle to sell their products? When I first started my clothing line, I really did think that people would just FIND me and my products.

If the product is good, people will notice, right? Bwaaahaaaahaaaa.

Selling often FEELS hard but it doesn’t have to.

Today you’ll learn 2 simple things you can start doing immediately to make selling ten times easier.

Listen now.

You can also listen on iTunesStitcher, Spotify, or Soundcloud.




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