
Holiday Season Planning: 3 Things You Can Do NOW for Kickass Holiday Sales

Holiday Season Planning: 3 Things You Can Do NOW for Kickass Holiday Sales

Want to CRUSH your online sales for the holidays? Today I’ll break down a specific, do-able 3 step plan to get you ready for a fantastic holiday selling season.  

But first…

You should know that we go deeper into this topic in the membership, The Content Club. As a member, you’ll get the full Holiday Season Planning training plus the workbook to help you stay on track and accountable. You even get a chance to get direct feedback on the assignments by submitting them for review and getting a LIVE Hotseat with me.

OK, back to the episode.

Whether you’ve been in business 20 years, two years, two months, or haven’t even launched yet, you’re still going to learn something today that you can implement today. Simple, actionable steps. 

Have a listen… 

You can also listen on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Spotify, or on Soundcloud


Susan Bradley from the Social Sales Girls is hosting a FREE workshop for e-commerce entrepreneurs, called  “Create Your Growth Plan” that will teach go deeper into how to grow your Shopify or online store – even if you have a day job, kids to take care of, and a limited budget.

“How to Create Your Growth Plan” Workshop with Susan Bradley

What you’ll learn: 

– You’ll figure out exactly why you’re not getting the sales you want

– You’ll set a 6-month goal that will make you feel successful.

– You’ll determine your stage of business and your next steps.

And, you’ll have clarity on the work you need to do so that you can get to the next level and reach your 6-month goal!

LIVE Workshop on September 15 – Register Now!

Quotes from today’s episode…

  • “Look at last year and ask yourself what worked, what kinda worked, & what didn’t work, and how are you going to make your Holiday Season selling easier for this year?”
  • “Brainstorm all the important dates coming up – personal things, business events, product drops, promotions – everything. Then you can work backwards to get a sales plan.”
  • “Once you start to see all of the tasks in one place, you’re going to start to feel kind of overwhelmed and that’s okay. It’s normal. If it’s making you uncomfortable, growth is happening. So that’s good.”
  • “When the specific tasks get put in your calendar with a time frame and a date, it all falls into place and gets accomplished.
  • “There’s one thing that’s working for ALL of our members and clients to increase online sales and that one thing is…”

Mentioned in this podcast:

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