
How I got an appointment with a head buyer of Neiman Marcus

Today’s video gives you the details about how I scored an appointment with Neiman Marcus with only ONE postcard. I’m doing this topic again because I hear SO many designers tell me they are nervous, apprehensive, unsure, even scared-as-hell, to approach a retail buyer.

I get it. I found it nerve-wracking in the beginning too. But here’s the thing to look out for:

Is your fear of approaching a retailer hurting your business?

When you let fear get in the way of taking action that will improve your business – your life – you are shooting yourself in the foot. Everyone has fear, everyone. No matter how successful they are. It’s how you deal with it and move through it that matters.

That’s why my friend and colleague, Anna Livermore, and I are doing a free Webinar Training on Wednesday, June 27, at 1 pm EST. We’re going to be talking about the “inner work” that makes an entrepreneur successful. I deal a lot with clients about inner work issues and Anna and I agreed it’s time to get the issues out there and help more people get comfortable with things that are holding them back.

If this sounds good to you, join is Wednesday by clicking here. The training is at no cost to you but you must register.

And now for the video. Click the image below or click here to watch it now.



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