
Monday Motivation for Fashion Designers

Motivation Monday for Fashion DesignersFirst Thought

When I rolled over this morning to turn off my alarm, the first thought in my head was, “oh man, how am I going to get this all done today?”

I was already feeling overwhelmed.

The clock showed 5:45 am.

Not a great start.

Second Thought

So I head in to check on my youngest son and find his little sweaty body in bed with a roaring fever.

My 2nd thought of the day was, “Shit. I have too much to do to handle a sick kid today.”

I work very hard to be a positive person but it just wasn’t happening,

So I head downstairs to make some much-needed coffee and for some reason I turn chack Pinterest on my phone – I never do that.

The first thing I saw was a quote from Deepak Chopra.

“All Great Changes are Preceded By Chaos” – Deepak Chopra

Must’ve been a sign from the Universe for me to shut up, stop whining, and and get it together.

I mean, WTH? Everyone has bad days. Successful people have bad moments just like everyone else on the planet. It’s cool. It will pass.

It reminds me of what my mentor, Cathy Wagner, once told me. “Jane, don’t worry about it too much. Oftentimes the big breakDOWN comes just before the big breakTHROUGH.”

Final Thought

So my third thought of the day (and I’m sticking with this one) is, “Since I now know that ‘all great changes are preceded by chaos’, it’s clear that I am on the verge of greatness!”

Have a great day – ‘cuz you’re probably on the verge of greatness too!




14 Responses

  1. Hi Jane,
    Last week my house was flooded in the SF thunderstorm – talk about chaos. When I went to my hairdresser on Saturday she said that floods are are followed by good luck – its good feng shui(sp?).

    I hope your son is feeling better or will get better soon. You already are great – but I expect there is more to come for you.

    I’m sending warm thoughts for your whole family with a great big hug.

  2. I woke up this morning from only 3 hours of sleep. I was in a crappy mood & then I read this. Thank you so much for sharing this message! It will help me get through the day because I know that something great is in the makings!

  3. If you need a ‘pick me up’, go watch Coco Avant Chanel. It will show you that a successful path in fashion is not necessary a straight, simple, or easy one. It’s a very inspirational movie. 🙂

  4. Hi Jane,

    This morning I once again got on the bus to make the trek to New York, my umpteenth this year. After years of chasing my dream, I’m still waiting for that big (or small) breakthrough. Thanks for your email though. It helped a lot!!

    Hope you son feels better soon!


  5. Dear Jane,

    So damned true.
    Reminds me of the book I’m just reading and which enlighted everything I do: The Leader Who Had No Title, from Robin Sharma. All of us seeking change in our lives should read this.
    Quote: “When it’s dark enough, you can see the stars”.



  6. Thank goodness. I was sure the next thing to happen would be an earth shaking head rattling headaches instead I read your email and realized all that noise will lead to accomplishment and more wisdom. The Hank you.

  7. I live in Berkeley with my husband and 7 year old daughter. This morning my husband traveled to Southern California to start a new job! It’s been chaos all week! So, I know he’s going to do well, we’re going to be fine and all grow from this new experience! Now, I’m off to pick my daughter up from school and to take her to Tae Kwon Do!

  8. You are so wonderful, Jane. I laughed throughout your email, girl. Thank you so much for the inspiration. It was everything.

  9. I’m not seeing this til Tuesday (even more perfect given the topic)! Spent the whole day Monday driving from the east coast to Ohio to take my mom to a dr. appt. Your words could not have come at a more perfect time! 🙂

  10. Great reminder! My son struggles with autism and it seems there is always a step back before two steps forward. I notice that seems to happen in business, too.

  11. I love the thought! It’s so good to be reminded that getting there is more important than being there. If we are miserable on our journey what makes us think we will ever be happy. Here’s to greatness!

    1. Adeline, what a GREAT point! “If we are miserable on our journey what makes us think we will ever be happy. ” Love it and thanks for commenting!

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