
Obsessing About Sales

Obsessing About Sales

I have a couple of things for you today…

Thing one…

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT (all caps even).

I’ve decided to close my monthly membership, The Club. This will be the last month of the membership. I absolutely LOVE the members and everything we’ve done, and I’ve decided to structure my business differently.

I’ll be concentrating more on private coaching and on writing a small business book. Yikes! And it will be written in the next 90 days. There – I said it out loud.

I also want more time to devote my my new native gardening business that I started this summer with a wonderful partner, Liz Vogel.

Please note: Fashion Brain isn’t going anywhere and I’m ALL IN on continuing the podcast, private coaching, startup course, and more. The Club membership is closing and other opportunities are coming up. ????

Thing two…

Obsession with sales.

I’ve been talking to a few clients about their Black Friday sales and plan for December and something is cropping up.

There’s a smart way to think about sales…

  • What are my sales gonna be?
  • What is my revenue?
  • What am I planning?
  • How much am I promoting?
  • How much inventory do I have

All of these are smart questions to ask that will determine how much I can sell. And then there’s being obsessed with sales.

It can be a fine line.

Being obsessed with sales can also feel desperate, which is never a good place to be when you’re trying to get sales. 

This episode will give you ONE simple way to flip what you obsess with starting ASAP.

You can also listen on iTunesStitcher, Spotify, or Soundcloud

Show Notes: 

Thanks for listening,.

xo – Jane



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